Texas Cemetery Calling On Public To Attend USAF Vet’s Funeral Monday

United States Air Force veteran Joseph Walker will be laid to rest in Killeen, Texas on Monday, January 28, 2019, and the cemetery was concerned that no one will attend.

KVUE reports:

The Central Texas State Veteran’s Cemetery is calling for the public’s attendance at an unaccompanied Texas veteran’s funeral.Air Force Veteran Joseph Walker will be laid to rest Monday, and no one is expected to attend. The cemetery said they do not know where his family is and they do not want him to be laid to rest alone, so they are asking the public to attend.

The story was picked up after the cemetery posted to Facebook asking the public to attend.

Fox News has more:

The Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen, Texas, made the request on Facebook Thursday. Joseph Walker served in the Air Force from 1964 to 1968, KVUE reported.. . . . “We have the distinct honor to provide a full military burial for unaccompanied United States Air Force Veteran Joseph Walker on Monday, January 28, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery,” the post read. “If you have the opportunity, please come out and attend. We do NOT leave Veterans behind.”A few social media users replied to the post stating they would be there, including the Wind Therapy Freedom Riders who said they will meet at a restaurant before attending the funeral.The Killeen Daily Herald noted that “if no next of kin presents themselves at the ceremony, the on-site representative of the Veterans Land Board will accept the United States flag on Walker’s behalf, according to the Veterans Land Board, which runs the cemetery.”

Tags: Military, Texas