Nearly 100 Percent of College Faculty and Admin in Maxine Waters’ District Donated to Dems

The left owns academia. We have seen example after example like this one. It never goes in the other direction.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: 100 percent of college admin, faculty in Maxine Waters’ district gave to DemsA Campus Reform analysis has found that an overwhelming majority of faculty and administrators at colleges in Maxine Waters’ California congressional district (CA-43) contributed financially to Democrat candidates and causes from 2017-2018.The analysis found that 100 percent of college administrators and 100 percent of faculty in D-CA 43 donated to Democrat candidates or causes. Out of all colleges, only one staff member reviewed donated to a Republican organization, specifically, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.In total, CA-43 higher education employees donated $20,659.02 from 2017-2018. Of that amount, 99.64 percent went to Democrat politicians or Democrat organizations.The colleges analyzed by Campus Reform include Pepperdine University, Otis College of Art and Design, El Camino Community College, Los Angeles Southwest College, and the University of West Los Angeles. While there are more colleges located in Waters’ district, only colleges with publicly available donor data are listed.Colleges in Waters’ district were identified through several key-word searches and map overlays. In the event a college in Waters’ district was a branch of a larger institution headquartered outside of the district, only donors who specified the branch within the district as their employer were considered in the data pool.Campus Reform analyzed the donation records of college employees from 2017-2018, using publicly available records from the Federal Election Commission (FEC), in order to determine the political leanings of faculty and administrators at the college.

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Democrats, Los Angeles, Maxine Waters