Mothers Share Stories of Daughters Coming Home from College as Men

The College Fix recently shared emails they have gotten from mothers of daughters who went off to college as young women and came home as young men. This is pretty shocking.

Here’s one example:

Mothers in shock as daughters come home from college with mustaches, breasts removedPam’s storyOur daughter went off to the college of her dreams. She seemed to do well her first year away. During her second year at college, she experienced a mental health breakdown. We received sketchy details of her struggles from her and a couple of her friends. There was no outreach from her college—due to privacy concerns.Following much pleading on our part, she came home for a visit. We were met with a very different visage upon picking her up at the airport. Her face was covered in acne, she sprouted an obvious mustache, her entire appearance was disheveled.After allowing her to settle in at home, we expressed concern about her appearance and demeanor. This was met with hostility. Her voice was somewhat deeper, I might note here. She seemed very disturbed—not at all her old self.What was she like before this? No, not a tomboy as a child. She was an ambitious student, an animal lover, she loved to spend time in the kitchen baking. As for gender, she was typical (whatever that means). For her high school prom, she had her hair and makeup professionally styled. She wore an elegant gown which revealed ample cleavage. As for her friend group in high school, she aligned herself with social activists.While our daughter was visiting, we asked her what was wrong. I inquired about the acne and mustache—that is not natural, I said. She insisted that she had always had a mustache. Not true.Before we knew what had hit us, she returned to her college. We discovered that she had obtained testosterone in the student clinic. And, she refused all contact with her family.Her college was complicit in all of this.

Tags: College Insurrection, Transgender