Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham joined Face the Nation where he minced no words about the border wall funding standoff.
“The president will compromise, but he will not capitulate,” Graham said.
When he was asked about re-opening the government for the benefit of the federal workers currently working unpaid, Graham said, “Why would you negotiate with somebody who calls you a racist if you want a wall, who gives you a dollar for a wall, when the Democratic Party supported $25 billion in the past? We’re not going to negotiate with people who see the world this way.”
He continued, “We’ll negotiate with Dick Durban, but I’m not gonna negotiate with someone who calls the border patrol agents a bunch of Nazis when they’re trying to defend the border against a mob.”
“These caravans have changed everything. The reason you need $5 billion now and not $1.6 is the border is deteriorating in terms of security,” said Graham.
It seems both parties have decided this is THE hill to die on. Trump knows he has to have a wall to win re-election and the Democrats know he wins if they give it to him.
As Sen. Graham concluded, “I do want open the government, but the goal is not to open the government. The goal is to fix a broken immigration system.”