White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway is having none of CNN’s Jim Acosta. Acosta routinely uses press conferences and even event in which cameras are rolling (even the White House Easter Egg Roll) to create a scene, with the ultimate goal of making himself the story.
Conway, like most of us who cover this day-in, day-out, was just done.
During a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Conway called Acosta a “smartass” and informed him most of the reporters in the press pool don’t like him.
Acosta asked Conway if Trump would tell the truth during his national address at the southern border, scheduled for Tuesday night, saying, “Kellyanne, can you promise the president will tell the truth tonight?”
To which Conway roasted him. “Yes, Jim, and can you promise you will? The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Am I allowed to mention God to you? Make sure that goes viral. This is why I’m one of the only people around here who even gives you the time of day. And let me get back in your face because you’re such a smartass most of the time and I know you want this to go viral,” she said. Pointing to the press pool, she continued, “A lot of these people don’t like you.”

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If only someone would Acosta him.
Probably his wife does. Imagine that wimp at home?
Keith Olbermann version 2.0.
I bet all the behind the scenes people really do hate Acosta’s pompus guts.
No doubt they do. The best way to handle Acosta is to let him take ALL the time up in each briefings. Then say “Sorry folks that’s all the time we have today”.
When other reporters don’t get their face time, they will deal with Acosta.
Trump is an extraordinarily poor winner. And the old proverb assures us no one likes a poor winner. But the smarmy loser is even more despised. That would be Acosta.
An item about Conway and Acosta and you have to denigrate the President. What a surprise.
Trump a poor winner? When has the press
Even ALLOWED him the luxury of basking in the light of winning anything?
Your nuts!
You forgot about the iconic photo of that dumbass Pelosi marching in the street with that giant gavel, laughing hysterically, after obamacare was inflicted upon the nation:
She is not only a poor winner, she is crazy. Trump is not.
The same Trump that wanted to let Hillary off the hook, cuz she’s suffered enough? The same Trump who DOUBLED what the Dems were asking for on DACA (only to be turned down)?
The same Trump who said “Elections have consequences” and “I won?” Oh, wait, that was the 0ther guy…
Acosta reminds me of what might have happened as the result of a liaison between Dan Rather and Andrea Mitchell.
The guy is just disgusting… but that sort of describes the whole news-entertainment industry.
More like a union between gavin newsome and that bigot rashida tlaib.
A poor winner? Hahahahaha now there’s something I’ve not seen Trump being called before 🙂
Three cheers for Kellyanne Conway.
Acosta needs a two-way wedgie.
She’ll be wearing a necklace made from his teeth in her interviews tonight. That was deliciously brutal, long overdue, and deserved.
She can add her husband’s teeth to the necklace. He is just as bad.
I see the resident Trumpire has taken in a familiar.
That Conway was able to tell him so face-to-face makes he highly envious!
“Dumbass” was the term she was looking for here…