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Georgetown University Hosts ‘Christian Abortionist’ for Event

Georgetown University Hosts ‘Christian Abortionist’ for Event

“co-sponsored by Georgetown University College Democrats and H*yas for Choice”

Why is Georgetown even allowed to call themselves a Catholic school?

The College Fix reports:

Catholic Georgetown University hosts Christian abortionist

On Wednesday evening, Jan. 16, Georgetown University’s Lecture Fund hosted Dr. Willie Parker, an abortionist made famous for saying he performs abortions because he is a Christian. The event was co-sponsored by Georgetown University College Democrats and H*yas for Choice, Georgetown’s unrecognized pro-choice student group.

H*yas for Choice President Angela Maske told The College Fix via email that the organization was excited to have Parker on campus.

“HFC is proud to co-sponsor this event and excited to see Parker speak on our campus. Parker has an impressive record of both advocacy and direct services, and has helped countless patients, particularly women, obtain a variety of forms of healthcare that ideology-driven legislators have tried to restrict,” Maske said, noting that her group did not personally solicit Parker to come to campus.

“Dr. Parker has also said in the past that it is his faith that motivates him to provide these health services, particularly abortion, that many people desperately need,” Maske added.

When asked if it was appropriate for Georgetown, a Catholic university, to host a talk by an abortion provider, Maske said unequivocally yes.

“We believe that a desire to seek justice, driven by one’s faith, is very much in line with Georgetown’s values and reflects the experiences of our members, many of whom are Catholic, Christian, and of other faith backgrounds,” she said.


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