Feminism Seminar at UCLA Discourages Use of Fragrances, Including Deodorant

Hopefully, the seminar will be held in a space with strong air conditioning.

Campus Reform reports:

Feminist seminar: ‘Please refrain’ from wearing fragrances…including DEODORANT!Students hoping to attend a University of California, Los Angeles event focusing on America’s “gendered regimes of incarceration” may have to do so in a cloud of body odor.UCLA’s event description for “Thinking Gender: Feminists Confronting the Carceral State” in February warns attendees to “please refrain” from wearing products with fragrances, such as “perfumes, hair products, deodorants, detergents, etc.” This stipulation is meant to ensure the “health and safety” of all individuals at the event.Presumably, the event would permit students to wear fragrance-free variants of those products.The gathering of students will use “feminist, queer, abolitionist, and intersectional interventions” to confront the United States’ “gendered regimes of incarceration.”“The US justice system is a site of widespread gendered and race-based violence,” the event organizers assert, adding that the “U.S. currently incarcerates nearly a third of all female prisoners in the world.” Attendees will “reckon with” such matters “through feminist and queer perspectives.”“The fragrance issue is one we’ve been seeing a lot on campus,” UCLA Young Americans for Freedom President Arik Schnieder told Campus Reform, adding that he has seen at least one “no-fragrance zone” on campus.

Tags: College Insurrection, Feminism, Los Angeles