David Hogg Appearance at Penn State Prompts Pro-Second Amendment Protest

Students who support the Second Amendment should get more organized on college campuses. Imagine if we saw this happening more often.

The College Fix reports:

Pro-Second Amendment march at Penn State counters appearance by David HoggIn response to an appearance by anti-gun activist and soon-to-be Harvard student David Hogg, pro-Second Amendment students at Penn State University put together a march for their own cause on January 18.Dubbed “Come and Take It” and organized by the PSU College Republicans’ Aidan Mattis, the march included demonstrators who carried American flags and signs which read “If gun-free zones work, how come 98% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones?” and “Gun rights are women’s rights.”According to the Daily Collegian, Mattis said he organized the protest “partially [because] of Hogg’s opinions and partially [due to] the Student Programming Association’s absolute refusal to ever bring a conservative to speak.”Mattis is also the president of the campus chapter of Young Americans for Liberty.The march attracted counter-protesters, some of whom interrupted Mattis when he was speaking to the crowd. One, PSU student Callie Maier, said she “felt the need” to attend this protest in particular: “I felt like it was my duty to point out that life is more important than guns,” she said.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, College Insurrection, David Hogg