Dartmouth Prof Has ‘No Problem’ With Somebody Doxxing Covington Students
“doubling down on his antagonism toward the students”
There is no justification for this. You would think an Ivy League professor would know better.
The College Fix reports:
Dartmouth professor approves of ‘doxxing’ Covington Catholic students
Some people who initially denounced students from Covington Catholic High School for their alleged behavior in Washington, D.C. over the weekend have had the good sense to re-evaluate their views, in light of more video evidence.
A professor at Dartmouth is not among them. Instead, Associate Professor of English Jeff Sharlet – a bestselling author – is doubling down on his antagonism toward the students.
Sharlet was not convinced by nearly two hours of video that showed the students had been taking slurs from a group of anti-white, anti-gay black nationalists when Native American activist Nathan Phillips wandered toward them, banging his drum in one student’s face.
His Twitter reaction Saturday afternoon, which remains live Tuesday night: “I’ll have no problem with someone doxxing these boys.” It quickly drew an objection from Nicholas Christakis, the Yale University professor who knows what it’s like to be surrounded by an angry mob.
I haven’t followed this case closely. But mob justice is not justice. At least that my opinion.
— Nicholas A. Christakis (@NAChristakis) January 19, 2019
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These kids were sitting ducks, just waiting for the bus when the storm hit. Just waiting for the bus. It must be the hats. As Greg Gutfeld says: “You can’t spell hate without hat.”
Maybe Sharlet is doxx-proof? That would embolden him to doxx others, I guess.
I’m not encouraging anyone to doxx Sharlet; LI readers are, after all, better than that – let’s remember that.
The vast majority of the Left has no problem doxxing, but I do. Although I could pay to try to get more info on Sharlet, this is as far as I’ll go – all of this is available on the Internet with 1 or 2 clicks. From mylife.com–
“Jeffrey Sharlet is 46 years old and was born on 05/07/1972. Jeffrey’s Reputation Score is 4.35. Previous to Jeffrey’s current city of Norwich, VT, Jeffrey Sharlet lived in Washington DC, Schenectady NY and Philadelphia PA. Jeffrey C Sharlet are some of the alias or nickname that Jeffrey has used. Contributing Editor at Rolling Stone is presently Jeffrey’s occupation. Jeffrey’s ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as unknown. We know that Jeffrey is single at this point and has no kids. Jeffrey has many family members and associates who include…”