College to Teach Social Justice by Having Students Play ‘Monopoly’ Board Game

It’s not just board games, either. It sounds like this school has an entire day of ‘fun’ events planned.

Campus Reform reports:

College invites students to ‘get a lesson in social justice’ by playing MonopolyAn Illinois college is planning to host a campus-wide symposium that will contain events and panel discussions related to social justice, including an opportunity for students to learn about “privilege” through the board game Monopoly.Augustana College’s Winter Symposium Day, slated for Jan. 16, will be a one-day event during which students will attend panels and events to learn about different issues of social justice. Subjects discussed will range from identifying and containing microaggressions to learning about privilege through the game of Monopoly, as well as various events targeting other subjects.Last year, Augustana hosted a similar symposium focusing on “privilege” with events such as “Weird Lessons From Hollywood: Gender Inequalities and Unconscious Biases” and “Interrogating Whiteness in STEM at Augustana.”This year’s symposium day will be split into morning, afternoon, and evening segments. Students will have time to meet with advisers and Augustana will also offer “drop-in” events that students can visit at any time to partake in the discussion or activity.In the first section, students can attend a session titled “Microaggressions: From Reaction to Resistance,” where they will “identify microaggressions, shift from reaction to resistance, and learn to tactfully and effectively manage microaggressive situations.”Students are also invited to another session called “On-Side? The Ethics of Watching Sports,” which will tackle the issue of social justice in sports, such as Major League Baseball preventing living wage payments to Minor Leaguers, “racist” songs sung by soccer fans, and whether or not it is wrong for people to watch sports because of these.

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice