So… In utero, it’s legal. Seconds later when the baby emerges, it’s murder. What is the argument against adoption again? Why is it so important for the baby to die? What is wrong with these people? Pure evil.
This is what happens when science becomes religion. When the new “scientist gods” philosophize within a cold mechanical view of the universe. Without God, there is no sense of humanity, no humility, no hope for justice.
Remember the old days when millions upon millions of abortions were performed in back alleys? Me neither. This is just plain genocide. Birth is now the new legal barrier separating “the law” from outright genocide for the rest of us.
Margaret Sanger and a whole bunch of eugenics supporters have gotten what they wanted….suppression of undesirables in their society. So…remind me…who are the racists and bigots in the world?
Did I miss something? When did NY start allowing full term abortion or is this something that’s being pushed for there? Anyways, gonna agree with Pasadena Phil up there, full term where the baby is fully developed and all that’s left is birth and then someone wants to do the deed, that’s straight up murder!
In a sick twist and hypocritically, Freedom Tower was lit pink, to symbolize there is no freedom of the unborn to be free from a death sentence if a mother wills it.
So, Freedom Tower became a middle finger to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
So… In utero, it’s legal. Seconds later when the baby emerges, it’s murder. What is the argument against adoption again? Why is it so important for the baby to die? What is wrong with these people? Pure evil.
This is what happens when science becomes religion. When the new “scientist gods” philosophize within a cold mechanical view of the universe. Without God, there is no sense of humanity, no humility, no hope for justice.
Oh, my! This will really piss off the members of the pro-choose death cult.
Way to go, Branco.
New York State, Kermit Gosnell reincarnate.
There is now an abortion in New York, for every two live births.
Remember the old days when millions upon millions of abortions were performed in back alleys? Me neither. This is just plain genocide. Birth is now the new legal barrier separating “the law” from outright genocide for the rest of us.
Margaret Sanger and a whole bunch of eugenics supporters have gotten what they wanted….suppression of undesirables in their society. So…remind me…who are the racists and bigots in the world?
Did I miss something? When did NY start allowing full term abortion or is this something that’s being pushed for there? Anyways, gonna agree with Pasadena Phil up there, full term where the baby is fully developed and all that’s left is birth and then someone wants to do the deed, that’s straight up murder!
Just past new law in NY to allow murder babies.
It might be time to revisit starting an amicus curiae to stop the state sponsorship of genocide in New York State.
In a sick twist and hypocritically, Freedom Tower was lit pink, to symbolize there is no freedom of the unborn to be free from a death sentence if a mother wills it.
So, Freedom Tower became a middle finger to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Selective-child. In Stork They Trust.
Pro-Choice is the wicked solution, to an albeit hard problem, including: money, control, pleasure, shared responsibility, and Democrat leverage.