Young America’s Foundation Launches Lawsuit Against U. Florida

After a speech given by Dinesh D’Souza, YAF alleges that the school took steps to make it harder to bring conservative speakers to campus.

Townhall reports:

Censoring Conservatives: Young America’s Foundation Sues University of FloridaYoung America’s Foundation has issued a lawsuit against the University of Florida for violating students’ constitutionally protected rights.The lawsuit was triggered after a lecture by filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza on campus. School officials moved to implement policies YAF says are designed to keep conservative ideas out of the university.”Without applying any objective criteria, the University of Florida subjectively designates student organizations into one of two categories—budgeted and non-budgeted. Unsurprisingly, the University placed UF YAF in the non-budgeted category despite the chapter’s efforts to obtain budgeted status. Budgeted student organizations receive annual funding from student activity fees automatically.Non-budgeted student groups—those not favored by UF—have to petition the school for funding for each event, and the disparate treatment doesn’t stop there,” a press release states. “UF’s new policy also disqualifies non-budgeted student organizations from obtaining student activity fee funding if it goes toward a guest speaker’s honoraria. By contrast, budgeted student organizations can use student activity fee funding to pay a speakers’ honoraria.””Over the last two years, UF YAF is the only non-budgeted student organization to request student activity funding to pay for a guest speakers’ honoraria,” the release continues.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Florida, Free Speech