This looks like a real breakthrough in the grievance studies field. Aren’t you relieved to know microagressions are being studied so closely?
Campus Reform reports:
PLOT TWIST: UVA course teaches how ‘liberal whites’ commit microaggressionsThe University of Virginia held a one-credit hour course during the fall 2018 semester that was aimed at describing why “liberal whites” use microaggressions as a way to vent their frustrations over racial, cultural, and sexual equality.Titled “Microaggressions: Why Are ‘They’ So Sensitive?”, the course taught students about various types of microaggressions such as “you are so articulate,” “those stripes make you look thin,” “I am so glad that I have an Asian lab partner for Chemistry—now I know that I’m going to get an A,” and more.The course description states that when a person commits a microaggression, it usually results in a minimal reaction from the person whom they are offending and “the speaker may be unaware that the comments were negatively perceived.”Such verbal statements may create “unconscious friction between/among individuals or groups.” The course description cites an academic study, which explains why “liberal whites” commit microaggressions.“According to Sue (2007, 2010), liberal whites (and sometimes nonwhites) use microaggressions as a way to show their concern and commitment for racial, cultural, and sexual egalitarianism, and are genuinely surprised when told that these kinds of comments may create a wider divide,” states the course description.In addition, students taking the class will examine different types of microaggressions with the goal of understanding different types of sensitivities.