U. Washington-Seattle Study Finds Students View Conservatives as ‘Evil’

They don’t want to have a debate or discussion. They want you to go away.  Once you understand this, the behavior of the left makes more sense.

PJ Media reports:

Students Believe Conservatives Are ‘Evil,’ ‘Inhuman,’ UW Study FindsMany left-leaning students at the University of Washington-Seattle harbor feelings that Republicans and conservatives are “evil,” “inhuman,” or “not even a person,” according to a new study led by a team of UW psychology professors.The study, “Improving Relations among Conservatives and Liberals on a College Campus,” set out to do just that: bring students from opposing sides of the political divide together in an honest attempt to cultivate empathy and understanding.The results, published November 10 in the Journal of Contextual Behavioural Science, should raise worry for any parent with a conservative kid in college.”Here at UW, we’re a predominantly liberal campus,” said Jonathan Kantor, a professor at UW and the study’s lead researcher, on Tuesday.”But we have a decent number of students who come from small towns or rural places who are feeling politically marginalized and isolated. That’s problematic,” Kantor told PJ Media by phone when asked what inspired his research……questions were designed to gauge students’ feelings of political Manichaeism.”Political Manichaeism is when you demonize somebody who’s different than you…. The idea is basically that, if you’re a conservative, and I’m a liberal, then you’re evil and inhuman, and vice versa,” Kantor explained.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives