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Stanford Frat, Which Was Advised to Remove American Flag, Gets a Bigger One

Stanford Frat, Which Was Advised to Remove American Flag, Gets a Bigger One

“fraternity’s patriotic reply appears to be an ever-rarer response”

This fraternity was told that they could improve their public image by removing an American flag from their house. Their response will make you proud.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Follow these students’ example: If someone complains about your American flag, get a bigger one

As a story emerges about a Stanford University pooh bah advising a fraternity last year to take down an American flag for fear of offending people, please allow a brief lamentation that the fraternity’s patriotic reply appears to be an ever-rarer response from today’s generation of younger adults.

As Paul Bedard reported in these pages last week, “Younger Americans are turning on the country and forgetting its ideals, with nearly half believing that it isn’t ‘great’ and many eyeing the U.S. flag as ‘a sign of intolerance and hatred,’ according to a new and disturbing survey.”

It is heartening, then, to read that when the Stanford administrator dared “imply that the American flag, as a symbol, could be intimidating, aggressive or alienating,” the frat he was advising responded by “instead choosing to replace it with an even bigger one.”

This was absolutely the right response. As Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said in his too-little-appreciated valedictory speech on the Senate floor in 2017:

“America has made a greater contribution than any other nation to an international order that has liberated more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have been the greatest example, the greatest supporter and the greatest defender of that order. We aren’t afraid. We don’t covet other people’s land and wealth. We don’t hide behind walls. We breach them. We are a blessing to humanity.”


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McCain’s speech was little-appreciated (and properly so) because it advocates open borders—

We don’t hide behind walls.

Yeah, piss off, McCain. No country can survive without walls, any more than an animal can live without skin.

My heart is suddenly warmer.

amatuerwrangler | December 8, 2018 at 1:12 pm

It would be nice to see other frats plant flagpoles and fly Old Glory if they don’t already have them, and those who do now up-grade their flag. Sometimes administrators need a finger poked in their eye to re-focus them.