Social Justice Warrior Privilege? David Hogg accepted to Harvard

In April of this year, Parkland student-turned-activist David Hogg complained after not being accepted to some colleges in California. Now he has been accepted to Harvard. What a difference the TV spotlight can make.

TMZ broke the news yesterday:

Parkland Leader David Hogg Ivy League-Bound … GOING TO HARVARD!!!David Hogg is leaving the Sunshine State and shipping off to Boston — the Marjory Stoneman Douglas student’s been accepted to Harvard.David’s mom shared the incredible news this week after her son finally allowed her to spread the word. As you can imagine, she’s super proud and said she’s excited for David’s bright future!The Stoneman Douglas grad — who emerged as one of his school’s leaders after the mass shooting in Parkland, FL — says he plans to major in political science. It seems right up his alley … you’ll recall, David helped organize the March For Our Lives rally that attracted nearly 800,000 people pushing for sensible gun reform.

Claude Thompson of the Washington Examiner has more, with an eye to Hogg’s SAT scores:

Before his high school graduation, Hogg had applied to, and was rejected by, multiple University of California schools. Fox News’ Laura Ingraham had criticized Hogg over the rejections from the competitive public universities, which drew severe backlash as multiple advertisers withdrew from Ingraham’s show following her comments.Hogg’s score on the SAT standardized test has been reported as a 1270, and he graduated with a 4.2 GPA. Harvard has a holistic approach to admissions with a focus on personal character, including activism and volunteer work, and a desire for diversity among the student body. The middle 50 percent of SAT scores of students admitted to Harvard ranged from 1470 to 1570 on a 1600-point scale last year.

It’s fascinating that Hogg was accepted to Harvard with scores like that, considering Harvard is currently embroiled in a controversy over discrimination against Asian students, many of whom, presumably, have better academic credentials.

Being a true-believer in progressive newspeak, you know Hogg subscribes to concepts like white privilege. Is it right that he should take this spot at Harvard from another? Even a student of color? And what about toxic masculinity? Shouldn’t a female student be given preference here?

Lots of folks are speaking out on Twitter:

Hogg will surely receive a hero’s welcome at Harvard and he’ll feel right at home in Cambridge.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, David Hogg, Harvard