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Satanic Student Group Launched at North Carolina State

Satanic Student Group Launched at North Carolina State

“its leaders say they promote humanism”

Notice how this is all couched in a supposedly objective approach to reality. Why bother with the Satan part, then?

The College Fix reports:

Students launch Satanic club at NC State

A new club has just completed its inaugural semester at North Carolina State University, welcoming students interested in Satanism.

The club calls itself “Satanic Students at NC State,” and its leaders say they promote humanism and are working to build up the fledgling group at the Raleigh-based public university.

“This semester, the group has held public meetings to attract and gain interest,” Satanic Students told The College Fix in an email interview. “These meetings have largely consisted of discussions with new and potential members about the type of Satanism practiced by the group.”

According to its “get involved” website: “The mission of Satanic Students at NC State University is to 1) encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, 2) reject tyrannical authority, 3) advocate scientific examination of the universe and our place in it, 4) promote morality and justice based on rational, humanistic values, and 5) be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.”

A recent slide presentation at one of their meetings stated: “Does Satanic Students worship Satan? Short answer: no. Long answer: Satan doesn’t exist,” the Technician student newspaper reported.

“Our principles and those of objectivism overlap by a fair amount and believe that objectivists would find value in our group,” Satanic Students told The College Fix via email.


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Ayn Rand is rolling over in her grave.

“Why bother with the Satan part, then?”

Father of lies.