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Liberal Law Prof Who Supports Due Process on Campus Now Getting Threats

Liberal Law Prof Who Supports Due Process on Campus Now Getting Threats

“threatening voicemails and a lot of hate on Twitter”

Lara Bazelon runs a legal clinic which provides support mainly to minority students but her support of due process has angered many people on the left.

The College Fix reports:

This professor started a legal clinic for black students accused of rape. She’s getting threats.

When Lara Bazelon got a referral from a fellow attorney to assist an African-American student facing expulsion for the alleged sexual assault of a white woman, the law professor was skeptical.

It was January, and Bazelon was heading up a new pro-bono law clinic focusing on “Racial Justice” at the University of San Francisco Law School. It was partnering with the San Francisco public defender’s office to assist minorities in legal trouble.

That referral ended up altering the focus of the law clinic. Up until that point, Bazelon had not been involved in any Title IX cases. But after discussing it with two female students, including one of color, Bazelon agreed to take the case.

Since then, Bazelon’s law clinic has taken numerous cases assisting low-income minority male students at California colleges who face expulsion over disciplinary charges. It’s still working with the public defender’s office on a wide range of cases as well.

The law clinic got on the national radar when Bazelon published an op-ed in The New York Times earlier this month that expressed support for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s* proposed Title IX reforms aimed at protecting due process.

Though Bazelon has argued in favor of due process for accused students before this, the op-ed provoked threatening voicemails and a lot of hate on Twitter, she told The College Fix in a phone interview.

“I expected some,” she said, “but some was even more than I bargained for,” adding the work was important, and “the fact that it is controversial is not going to dissuade me.”


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This crap was all done as part of Obama’s “pen and phone” mode of government. Why can’t this be un-done just as easily? We’re two years into Trump’s administration… this shit should have been in the waste bin 23 months ago.

    TX-rifraph in reply to Paul. | December 18, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    As you know so well, the left is about power not justice. Since Bazelon is standing up for justice, she is an open enemy. Sociopaths (a large percentage of leftists are these) will control you or they will destroy you. Since she will not submit to the narrative (be controlled), she must be destroyed say they. Leftists are sickening frauds. Bazelon is a brave and honorable person so she is the enemy of the left.

“Welcome to the party, Pal!”