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Home of Adviser to Purdue College Republicans Vandalized: ‘Nazi Lives Here’

Home of Adviser to Purdue College Republicans Vandalized: ‘Nazi Lives Here’

“police officers were concerned that this was a politically-charged occurrence”

He suspects the message was left by Antifa activists. It certainly fits their MO.

Campus Reform reports:

Antifa vandalizes Purdue College Republicans adviser’s home with ‘Nazi lives here’

A College Republicans adviser claimed that Antifa activists vandalized his house with the words “Nazi lives here.”

David Bridges, adviser to the Purdue University College Republicans student group, woke up on Nov. 18 to red dye covering his driveway and the words, “Nazi lives here” scrawled in white spray paint on the garage door. Bridges claimed that the perpetrators of the vandalism were Antifa activists, according to the Lafayette Journal & Courier.

Bridges scrubbed the garage clean with gasoline and cleared the driveway of the dye, but not before he and his wife submitted photos with a note of the incident to the West Lafayette, Ind. Police Department.

Initially, police officers were concerned that this was a politically-charged occurrence. When contemplating what other incidents may have been the catalyst for the vandalism, police were able to identify a potential impetus.

The week prior to and the week of the Nov. 6 midterm election, Bridges’ role in relation to the Purdue University College Republicans group circulated online with regard to a poster attributed to the Purdue GOP found on campus outlining reasons to vote Republican.


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The hyperbole displayed is once again fitting of the MO of the hoaxer types on the left. They get downright seething when the right does not retaliate, so they have to start making it up.

“Initially, police officers were concerned that this was a politically-charged occurrence.”

Oh yeah, what gave it away?