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Hillary Consoles 8-Year-Old Girl After She Lost Class President to a Boy

Hillary Consoles 8-Year-Old Girl After She Lost Class President to a Boy

“As I know too well, it’s not easy when you stand up and put yourself in contention for a role that’s only been sought by boys.”

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent an 8-year-old a consolation letter after the girl lost class president to a boy by one vote. From The Washington Post:

Eight-year-old Martha Kennedy Morales got a huge surprise when she opened a personal letter sent to her home. It was from Hillary Clinton, who was consoling Martha for losing an election for class president to a boy — by a single vote.

“As I know too well, it’s not easy when you stand up and put yourself in contention for a role that’s only been sought by boys,” Clinton wrote.

Clinton, who lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, was the first woman to be nominated as a presidential candidate by any major political party in U.S. history. Clinton won the popular vote by several million votes but lost in the electoral college.

The youngster attends Friends Community School, a small, private Quaker school in College Park, Md., and is a third-grader in a combined third- and fourth-grade class. Martha said that as part of a unit on U.S. government, elections for class president and Congress were held, and she decided to run for the top job. Her opponent, she said, was a popular fourth-grade boy.

At first I thought, “Okay, this has to happen a lot. Why is it a big deal that she lost?”

Then as I read more, this school takes this post seriously:

The election was held, but six ballots were declared invalid because students had not filled them out correctly. Another vote was taken. Martha lost by a single vote, she said, and was declared vice president.

In a description of her job that U.S. vice presidents could have given, she said: “Now I get to be the tiebreaker if the House and Senate can’t agree. And I have meetings with the president. That’s all that I know that I do.”

Her father, Albert Morales, said Martha waged a serious campaign to win, and he routinely posted campaign updates on his Facebook page. He revealed the results of the contest there, too.

I mean…wow. I don’t remember our class presidents going all out for the election. I also remember only having presidents in high school, not elementary school.

For the record, Hillary, the sex of the majority of class officers at my high school? FEMALE.

Apparently when her father shared the news on Facebook, a number of his friends became upset by the news. Democrat political activist Bryan Weaver saw the post. After he told his friend about it, the friend’s eyes “welled up with tears.”

Someone contacted the Clintons and Hillary wrote the girl a letter.

GOOD LORD. It’s a class presidential election. We all know these “elections” in school are popularity contests. It’s not the end of the world.

Yeah, it’s nice Hillary wrote the girl, but something tells me she did it in order to remain relevant. It also shows she’s not over losing to President Donald Trump.


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Friends Community School, a small, private Quaker school in College Park, Md.,” sounds a lot like Chelsea’s school, back in the day.

So, one of Hillary’s old friends sets up a publicity stunt for the ever-hungry Hillary, and the Washington Post obliges.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Valerie. | December 18, 2018 at 11:57 am

    RE: “publicity stunt”


    How that Hillary has “touched” that child, the child will be scared for life.

Humphrey's Executor | December 17, 2018 at 1:17 pm

Nearly 40 years ago my HS class president was female. I don’t think anyone thought it was a big deal. Now she’s stuck with the job of organizing the class reunions every 5 years.

Good thing she has experience.

Bonus if the boy was “of color”

Martha should have blamed Russian hackers and have the school board investigate the boy and his entire family.

Maybe Hillary has found her niche, consoling 2nd place finishers? If nothing else, they’ll think “At least I’m not as bad a loser as she is.” One parting shot: I’ll wager the 8-year old dealt with the loss a lot better than Hillary…and the MSM…and the Democratic Party…and other lefties…

Will this lying, pandering whore never shut the f*ck up? To suggest that girls don’t become class presidents is patently absurd. What an embarrassment.

    Conan in reply to Paul. | December 17, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    Do the Progressives really think that the rest of the country is still buying that girls are having hard time in everything even school President? Even in the 70’s and 80’s girls were more interested in being School President. Pains me to even hear this.

Lost to a boy, to the “white girl next door” (hat tip Hope Solo, The Guardian), to the feminine girl, to the transgender/homosexual girl, because of the “burden” (hat tip Obama). Another day without social justice.

Antifundamentalist | December 17, 2018 at 2:46 pm

Hillary didn’t lose because she was a girl. She lost because she was a terrible candidate. End of story.

Coincidentally, this stunt ended up in the news.

Why would a class of 8 year olds require a class president?

    malclave in reply to NotKennedy. | December 17, 2018 at 7:04 pm

    Article said it was part of a unit on government. I think it’s a good idea, even if it doesn’t directly correspond to U.S. government.

Hillary proving once again, that she is a loathsome creature.

And she is still not President!

That picture. Looks like she might have had an accident in her panties.

lord–hope the poor little girl has a strong stomach

Did the girl get some tips from Hillary on how her family could set up a “Morales Foundation”, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. That way if she ever gets married, the wedding costs might be handled. In the meantime, the girl can organise paid speaking tours on how she was robbed of class presidency by her opponent with the collusion of Russians.

Martha lost by a single vote, she said, and was declared vice president.

Uh-huh, loser becomes Veep. Just like Aaron Burr. Right, that will certainly strike a blow for International Sisterhood.

    D3F1ANT in reply to tom_swift. | December 18, 2018 at 11:49 am

    Hillary told this little girl to DEMAND a recount! And then ANOTHER recount while they searched for lost ballots in the arts and craft cupboard!

See why liberals are such douche bags?

Marylou Ferri was the president of the Cranston HS West class of ’76. Booyah!! And she was simply the best.

While she’s searching for excuse 1039 the fact is the Harpy Hag loost because,well she’s a Harpy Hag,end of story.

I’d love to see what would happen if Hilly C lost to a woman. I wonder what the excuses would be, THEN!?

It’s sickening that a politician can inject sexism into a grammar school election!