Georgetown Faculty Passes Proposal to Ban Firearms From Campus

As we know, no one ever attacks a gun free zone. Right?The College Fix reports:

Georgetown faculty passes proposal calling for firearms banThe Georgetown University faculty senate recently passed a proposal that calls for banning faculty, staff, students and visitors from bringing any firearms on campus, a move that is allegedly meant to make the university a safer place to work and learn.The new policy would apply “to anyone present on campus, including students, faculty, employees and visitors and prohibits all firearms, explosives and weapons on Georgetown grounds or property, at events and in any vehicle controlled by the university,” the student newspaper The Hoya reports.The university currently prohibits weapons on its campus by way of the human resources department and student code of conduct, but the school “has not previously instituted a universitywide policy,” the paper states.Law enforcement officials will be exempt from the ban, as will chemical weapons like pepper spray and “armed objects on display for artistic or cultural value.”From the report:

The faculty senate worked in conjunction with [the Georgetown University Police Department] and the Office of General Counsel to draft the policy, which will be sent out to all faculty for objections or suggestions. The senate will review the policy Jan. 17.Co-Chair Margaret Gleason (COL ’22) of Georgetown’s chapter of March For Our Lives, a national movement in favor of stronger gun violence prevention measures, said the policy may help students feel safer on campus.

Tags: College Insurrection, Gun Control