Even more caravan migrants heading back to Central America
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Even more caravan migrants heading back to Central America

Even more caravan migrants heading back to Central America

“The caravan is over. Everyone is on their own now.”


The last time we check on the migrant caravan, dozens of immigrants from Central America had attempted to breach the wall at the border while 350 others were heading back home.

The reverse-Exodus is continuing, as over 1000 Central Americans have decided to return to their countries after entry into the United States was not as easy as originally promised.

In recent days, vans from Mexico’s National Migration Institute have been taking migrants from the El Barretal shelter to immigration offices where they can begin the voluntary repatriation process. Earlier this week, a group of migrants bid their fellow Hondurans farewell with hugs and folk songs. A top Mexican official told one news organization that about 1,000 members of the caravan have already left for Honduras.

The dream of the caravan was to move in large groups through dangerous areas to protect each other from criminals and smugglers, and eventually arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border where they could seek asylum and gain steady employment. Many traveled 2,800 miles mostly on foot through brutal conditions and were under the impression that it would be just a matter of days before they could cross the U.S. border, like crossing into Guatemala and Mexico.

…Thursday’s departure had a more reflective tone as those who stayed in Tijuana debated what to do next. Nery and Dania Melgar, siblings who became close friends with Lemus during their journey to the border, were more blunt with their assessment of the situation.

“The caravan is over,” said Nery Melgar, 22. “Everyone is on their own now.”

Some of those migrants are staying in Mexico, and are seeking the advice of expats who have been successful in the move.

Marco Rosales, a Honduran immigrant who has lived in Tijuana for eight years, stood in the street surrounded by Central American migrants eager for his job advice.

“Don’t come here with the mentality of Honduras,” he said. “This is a new country, a new state where you can change yourself if you want to.”

He only had room that morning for a handful to work at another nearby car wash, but he was sure he could find work for more later if they were willing.

“I’m trying to explain to them that you’ll get ahead doing things the right way,” he said, when asked why he had urged them to work instead of joining a march to the border. “If we do things the wrong way we’re not going to get anywhere. If they want to march to close the border it’s not going to accomplish anything.”

Of course, others are still relying on traditional tactics to try and get into America on a permanent basis.

A Honduran woman affiliated with a caravan of Central American migrants gave birth on U.S. soil shortly after entering the country illegally amid growing frustration about a bottleneck to claim asylum at official border crossings.

Border Patrol agents arrested the woman Nov. 26 after she entered the country illegally near Imperial Beach, California, across the border from Tijuana, Mexico, Customs and Border Protection said Wednesday. She was arrested with her 20-year-old husband and 2-year-old son.

The woman, who was eight months pregnant, was taken to a hospital after complaining about abdominal pain the day after her arrest, Customs and Border Protection said. The family was released from custody on Sunday, pending the outcomes of their immigration cases.

In related news, green justice warriors are angry at the Rio Grade border wall construction that is going to go through butterfly habitat.


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All those potential Democrat voters…heading home…how sad.

The left has gotten all of the propaganda value they can out of them, so the funding has been cut off, and back they go.

Maybe it would be smart to pay their busfare home.

Time to end anchor baby citizenship stealing. No other 1st world country allows this.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to beagleEar. | December 10, 2018 at 12:48 pm

    So here is what should happen: The birth is recorded (as is the case here). Identify the new kid via DNA (or fingerprint, anything truly identifying) and then return the whole bunch of them to whence they came. Upon attaining adulthood (18 years by current law) this fellow, if he chooses, presents himself to the appropriate US Embassy to exercise his right to full citizenship according to the law in effect at the time he makes application. The DNA-based identification will confirm its the right guy.

    He gets his citizenship if he wishes it, and the US does not have to support his parents and siblings.

    Its time America stood up and became a man.

Heard a member of a discussion panel say that there was an expectation that the eminent domain problems in Texas would be a huge problem to building the wall there. And the panelist stated that the wall should be funded with a proviso that if legal challenges interfere with the construction, the money reverts to social spending accounts instead of being further available for wall building. Sounded like an invitation for organizations like those complaining about butterfly habitat to prepare future legal challenges to the wall construction in hopes of such a proviso being included in the funding bill.

    txvet2 in reply to Edward. | December 10, 2018 at 12:03 pm

    The complaint I heard most is that the wall is going to prevent ranchers from watering their stock at the river. I’m still waiting to see what they’re going to do at Amistad and Falcon Lake.

The family was released from custody on Sunday, pending the outcomes of their immigration cases.

I’m not seeing a lot of progress here. The same old crap; sneak in like a burglar, and when caught, pretend that you’re an “immigrant” and not a criminal . . . and the stupid gringos will fall for it every time. Complain of “abdominal pains” and get all the freebies, as usual.


So the sky is NOT falling, and we’re not all gonna die.

As predicted…

Well, good!

Mass emigration (e.g. refugee crises) is not normal. There is clearly a need for emigration reform and a good neighbor policy to improve conditions (reduce collateral damage, secure civil rights, human rights) at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Immigration reform is evidence of unsecured social justice adventures, labor arbitrage, anti-nativism, shared/shifted responsibility, and planned parenthood that is, at best, incompatible with a viable population.

Many traveled 2,800 miles mostly on foot

Um, no.

This is all so offensive.

Ronald Reagan, you started this crap. I voted for you, but you started this crap. You were rolled, just like every other GOPer. You’re gone, and we’re still paying for it.

And now, I have to live in a country where I’m constantly insulted by people with their hands out for tax dollars. Why on earth do we want anyone who thinks insulting and guilting us is the way to behave?

That a significant number of the members of this mob are returning to their homelands is not surprising. Almost none of these people were fleeing anything other than repressive economic environments. They were not being targeted for political or criminal repression. They were on a quest for economic betterment without following the established procedures for entry into the US. As reporters were able to unearth, most of the members were young single me whose intent was to enter the US, remain for a few years, make money and then return home.

” Many traveled 2,800 miles mostly on foot”

Only a re. tard would believe anybody can walk 2,800 miles in 30 days.

“The caravan is over,” said Nery Melgar, 22. “Everyone is on their own now.”

And the organizers – where are they?