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Dozens of Students Arrested at Yale Protesting How School’s Endowment is Invested

Dozens of Students Arrested at Yale Protesting How School’s Endowment is Invested

“Among the specific investment companies the students were targeting included those that profited from the fossil fuels”

When did college students begin to believe they were entitled to matters which used to be exclusively reserved for financial administrators and trustees?

The Washington Examiner reports:

Yale arrests 43 students during protests over endowment

As an increasing number of college campuses begin to face scrutiny over the companies they choose to invest their massive endowment funds in, one Ivy League school seems to have made clear they will not tolerate excessive student demonstrations over their choices.

Last Friday, more than 40 Yale students staged a five hour sit-in protest in the lobby of the Yale Investments Office as a part of student efforts to shame Yale administrators into switching out investments from a number of companies.

Among the specific investment companies the students were targeting included those that profited from the fossil fuels, as well as companies with holdings in Puerto Rican debt. The event was co-organized by student groups Fossil Free Yale and Despierta Boricua, a Puerto Rican Student organization.

During their protest, approximately 50 people in total occupied the lobby of the Yale Investments Office, during which they read a list of demands for Yale administrators while also singing “We shall not be moved.” A separate larger group of students gathered outside the offices chanting “Cancel the debt” and Yale is complicit.”

At approximately 5 p.m., the students who were occupying the lobby were told that they needed to leave the building or face charges of trespassing since 5 p.m. is the normal closing time for the office. After refusing repeated requests by the administrators and members of the campus police department, the Yale Daily News says “forty-three students, two graduate students, two New Haven residents and one faculty member” were arrested for trespassing by the Yale Police Department.


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JusticeDelivered | December 14, 2018 at 7:00 pm

Ever increasing academic bureaucracy is the biggest cause of excessive student debt.