College Students and Profs Sign Letter Calling CNN Racist for Firing Marc Lamont Hill

It’s funny to see CNN become the target of something they have accused so many others of being.

Campus Reform reports:

Profs, students: CNN ‘racist’ for Marc Lamont Hill firingMore than 500 students, nearly 200 professors, and dozens of student groups have signed a letter to CNN, condemning the media titan’s firing of Marc Lamont Hill as “blatant anti-Blackness and anti-Palestinian violence.”CNN fired Hill, who is also a professor at Temple University, as a CNN contributor after a speech to the United Nations in which the professor claimed he wanted a “free Palestine from the river to the sea.” The phrase is usually interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel.The letter to CNN, started by McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights, “condemns the recent firing of Marc Lamont Hill for his speech at the United Nations on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the 70th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.”The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) criticized Hill’s statement by arguing that “from the river to the sea” is code for calling for the end of Israel. The letter responds to this criticism, claiming that the ADL “ignores Hill’s call for justice and conflates criticism of the Israeli state with anti-Semitism” which signatories assert is both factually incorrect and “extremely dangerous.”“The ADL,” the letter adds, “has a long history with anti-Arab sentiment and Islamophobia” in addition to its current “complicity in the racist policing of Black communities.” The ADL’s criticism of Hill, the signatories claim, is “nothing short of racist.”Temple University Board Chairman Patrick O’Connor previously denounced Hill, suggesting that “people wanted to fire him right away” and that had Hill worked at a private company, administrators would have “tried to fire him immediately.”

Tags: CNN, College Insurrection