Avocados in the Climate Change hot seat

Few fruits are as popular in “green” California as the avocado.

However, in Great Britain, some restaurants are banning the tasty delicacy from the menu in the name of “sustainability”.

The Wild Strawberry Cafe, on Peterley Manor Farm in Buckinghamshire, shared a post on its Instagram page earlier this week explaining why it had decided to ban avocado from its kitchen.“As of today, we will no longer be serving avocado in the yurt. This. Is. Not. A. Joke,” the caption reads.“Controversial? Absolutely … we’re as acquainted as the next person to our weekly intake of smashed avocado toast but this is something we have thought long and hard about.”The cafe then went on to explain the multiple reasons behind the decision, including seasonality, the distance the avocados travel when they’re imported and sustainability.

In their quest for “locally grown,” these trendy cafes may set the stage for creating economic hardships for many third- world countries. While California’s Hass avocados are well known, the major suppliers are Mexico, Peru, and Colombia.

The consequence? Perhaps more caravan in our future…and we know how environmentally sensitive the camps are.

However, the true reason behind the British restaurants decision may be more “green sense” than “green justice”. There is a major shortage of avocados, and many establishments cannot purchase enough for their menus.

… Midtown Fort Collins’ Snack Attack Specialty Sandwiches & Brews has been without avocados since Nov. 19. Avocados are used in about half of the sandwiches and salads offered by the restaurant.”The frustrating part is it’s totally out of our control,” said Lauren Storeby, Snack Attack’s co-founder.The shortage can be attributed to the end of California’s avocado growing season combined with a 16-day strike by Mexican avocado growers earlier this month.The strike has been resolved but the supply hasn’t been fully restocked yet.In mid-November, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service reported Mexican Hass avocado prices peaked at about $80 per carton — more than double the normal average. The price per carton was still as high as $75 per carton in some places on Monday.

With this potential threat to their market, you can count on the California politicians to help. For example, the Los Angeles City Council solution: A new rule mandating vegan menu options….also in the name of “climate change.”

Los Angeles residents may soon be eating more tofu with their entertainment. A proposed city law would require movie theaters, sports stadiums, the Los Angeles Zoo, Los Angeles International Airport restaurants and other large-scale entertainment venues to sell at least one vegan protein option.Los Angeles city councilman Paul Koretz was inspired by a desire to fight climate change, and make it easier for non-meat eaters to be fed well, according to CBS Los Angeles. The proposed law would have to be approved by the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office before going into effect.

Finally, California’s avocado industry asserts that it is an environmentally friendly fruit.

Avocado orchards help renew our air supply and keep it fresh by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.Orchard trees lower air temperature by evaporating water in their leaves.Avocado tree roots stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion.Avocado orchards can reduce storm run-off and the possibility of flooding. By slowing runoff and filtering rain water, orchards can improve water quality.Avocado orchards, due to their well-irrigated soil and lush green leaves, serve as a natural fire break for surrounding neighborhoods and businesses and can help firefighters slow or stop the rate of spread during wildfires.

Climate change: Is there anything it can’t be used for politically?

Tags: Britain, Climate Change, Los Angeles