Young Democratic Socialists of America Argue Free Tuition Would Stimulate Economy

Wen the left makes claims like this, they look like silly people.

Campus Reform reports:

Socialist students: ‘Free’ tuition would stimulate economySocialist students in Illinois are petitioning to make college tuition “free” because they say doing so would stimulate the local economy. The Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale launched a Change.orgpetition titled “Make SIUC Tuition Free.” The petition currently has more than 70 signatures of its 100 signature goal. “The high of [sic] cost of tuition is directly causing lower enrollment at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,” the petition states. “This hurts SIUC students, university employees, and the Carbondale community.””SIUC Young Democratic Socialists of America asks the SIUC Administration to create a vision of growth including free tuition for all Illinois residents. Let’s end student debt and help Carbondale prosper,” the petition adds. SIUC student Layne Ellingsworth told KFVS-TV that making tuition free would stimulate the economy. “More jobs and more students means more money circulating in the local economy,” Ellingsworth said. The SIUC YDSA chapter held a press conference on Friday to promote their petition.

Tags: College Insurrection, Democratic Socialism