Women’s March Founder Calls for Linda Sarsour and Other Current Co-Chairs to Step Down Citing Their Embrace of Anti-Semitism and Racism
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Women’s March Founder Calls for Linda Sarsour and Other Current Co-Chairs to Step Down Citing Their Embrace of Anti-Semitism and Racism

Women’s March Founder Calls for Linda Sarsour and Other Current Co-Chairs to Step Down Citing Their Embrace of Anti-Semitism and Racism

“they have allowed anti-Semitism, anti- LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs.”


Teresa Shook, Founder of the Women’s March released a statement Monday calling for several prominent co-chairs to step down. In particular, Shook took aim at the organization’s Farrakhan groupies.

“Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez of Women’s March, Inc. have steered the Movement away from its true course. I have waited, hoping they would right the ship. But they have not. In opposition to our Unity Principles, they have allowed anti-Semitism, anti- LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs. I call for the current Co-Chairs to step down and to let others lead who can restore faith in the Movement and its original intent. I stand in Solidarity with all the Sister March Organizations, to bring the Movement back to its authentic purpose.”

As National Review points out, the Farrakhan love exhibited by the co-chairs has been a growing problem for the organization:

Mallory and Sarsour have been routinely criticized by public figures from across the political spectrum for praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who routinely espouses anti-Semitic and homophobic views to his large following. The co-chairs have also come under fire for partnering with and endorsing anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian groups.

A regional chapter of Planned Parenthood disinvited Mallory from a previously scheduled speaking event in March after she attended and celebrated Farrakhan’s Saviour’s Day address in Chicago, in which he described Jewish people as “satanic” and dubbed them his “enemy.” Ten days after posting an Instagram video lauding Farrakhan for the contents of his speech, Mallory issued a statement in which she refused to condemn him and said she holds the Nation of Islam “close to [her] heart.”

Actress turned activist Alyssa Milano refuses to speak at Women’s March events until Sarsour and Mallory denounce Farrakhan’s blatant anti-semitism or step down from their currents posts. From The Independent:

Actress Alyssa Milano said she will not speak at any Women’s March events unless Women’s March co-chairs Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory either denounce Nation of Islam (NOI) Founder Louis Farrakhan’s antisemitism or step down from leadership.

“I would say no at this point,” Ms Milano told the Advocate in an interview, when asked if she would speak at any future Women’s March rallies. “Unfortunate that none of them have come forward against him at this point. Or even given a really good reason why to support them.”

Ms Milano, who gained national attention for her participation in the #MeToo movement, said she is disappointed in how Women’s March leadership have been silent in Mr Farrakhan’s long history of espousing antisemitic remarks.

“Any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed,” she added. “I’m disappointed in the leadership of the Women’s March that they haven’t done it adequately.”

As for Shook, she’s hoping to steer the Women’s March back toward “back to its authentic purpose,” saying ” As Women’s March founder, I am stepping up to bring focus back to the Unity Principles on which our movement began, and with the support of all of those who marched and have continued to march, I pledge to support grassroots, decentralized leadership promoting a safe, worldwide community devoid of hate speech, bigotry and racism.”


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“After years, when it is no longer possible to lie about the raging anti semitism and racism of the prominent faces of our movement, we are prepared to pretend that we don’t share their views.”

The first Women’s March featured not only Linda Sarsour, but also convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh and convicted racist-kidnapper-rapist-torturer-murderer Donna Hylton.

It was obvious from the very beginning that the organization had no qualms with evil.

WallyWorldorBust | November 19, 2018 at 7:36 pm

It’s not hers anymore. Once she gave those jackals co chair t

WallyWorldorBust | November 19, 2018 at 7:42 pm

It’s not hers anymore. Once she let those jackals in and gave them Co-chair titles it became their movement. Your movement is stuck with them. You didn’t try to remove them before the synagogue shooting because they got you press coverage. Now you want to kick them out. Bring a crowbar and a cutting torch because you’re gonna need em.
When you lay with dogs you get up with fleas.

Anti Semitic?

Arabs are Semitic too, so it sounds like they need a bit more precision in their charges?

Perhaps many might approve of Anti-Semitism if they are thinking about Arabs?

Are these charges coming from the Iranian camp?

    Milhouse in reply to villiewe. | November 19, 2018 at 8:37 pm

    Antisemitism means hatred of Jews. It has never had any other meaning. Hating Arabs is not antisemitism, and not hating Arabs doesn’t make someone less antisemitic.

    tom_swift in reply to villiewe. | November 20, 2018 at 1:30 am

    Arabs are Semitic too

    An interesting topic, actually.

    “Semite” originally referred to the (ostensible) descendants of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. The adjective “Semitic” most commonly refers to a family of languages—Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Phœnecian, Syriac, Amharic, Maltese, and a few others I don’t recall offhand.

    But the compound “anti-Semitic” makes no sense in that context. Despite its obvious etymological roots, it’s meant specifically “anti-Jewish” since its first appearance in print in the mid-1800s.

    Nevertheless, I have heard English-speaking Arabs claim that they can’t possibly be anti-Semitic because that means anti-Arab. I doubt any listeners were convinced.

      HImmanuelson in reply to tom_swift. | November 20, 2018 at 3:36 am

      That’s the game that every antisemite plays. They define antisemitism to be whatever they’d like and it’s always a definition that excludes them. It doesn’t matter if it’s Corbyn, the mad mullahs of Iran, Farrakhan, or your Arab friend there.

      When playing that game, the term antisemitism is distorted to the point where it has no meaning.

      That’s why it was so critical to get an internationally accepted definition of antisemitism adopted, so that particular game gets shut down.

When you allow racists and anti-semites into leadership positions of your organization, don’t be surprised when they infect your organization with racism and anti-semitism.

Did the Women’s March figure this out all by themselves, or did someone help them? Asking for a friend.

Better late than never, I guess, but what happens if these racist co-chairs refuse to leave?

Blue-on-blue warfare.

Need more popcorn.

Teresa Shook is about to get a taste of Islamic supremacism.

btw, Sarsour is white.

The Left eventually turns on itself. It is always about ‘ideological purity’.

OMG, this woman Shook is stupid. The Women’s March was hijacked, apparently right in front of this moron’s nose. And it’s been totally obvious ever since it happened nearly two years ago. Expecting the hijackers to “steer the Movement” back to its “true course” is as childish as hoping that airplane hijackers will fly you to your intended destination. They’re not going to abandon the controls just because one of the passengers finally noticed the hijacking. Stupid, stupid, stupid . . .

“I pledge to support grassroots, decentralized leadership promoting a safe, worldwide community devoid of hate speech, bigotry and racism.” Yep, you’ve done a heckuva job, Brownie. She should retire, too. She’s just not very good at whatever it is she thinks she’s doinig.

Sarsour et al need to learn the progressive semantic play, including: Pro-Choice in lieu of principles, diversity in lieu of color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism), political congruence (“=”) in lieu of equal rights, social justice in lieu of war, immigration reform in lieu of anti-nativism, consensus “science” (e.g. conflation of logical domains) in lieu of myth, redistributive change in lieu of theft, White privilege in lieu of Jew privilege, etc.

Can’t they just fire them?

This is where identity politics will always end up. When the totality of your belief system is “my peeps are the best (most victimized, whatever),” then you will inevitably conflict with other identity groups. Any coalition is bound to be unstable. Perhaps someone should, I don’t know, try to build a nation built upon common ideals, or something?

I knew women had lost their damned minds when they put on headscarves and then claimed they were marching for women’s rights.