Trump VIDEO closing argument: Democrats allowing illegal alien killers into the country

Trump Illegal Immigrant Ad

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted out an ad that features Luis Bracamontes and pictures of the migrant caravan in Mexico headed to our border. Trump wrote, “It is outrageous what the Democrats are doing to our Country. Vote Republican!”

Bracamontes, a twice-deported Mexican, received the death penalty in 2014 for killing two cops and the video shows him grinning as he says, “I killed f***ing cops.”

The left and the media has called the ad racist, but is it really?

I say no. As Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire points out:

There’s no evidence that Bracamontes was ever part of a migrant caravan, that the migrant caravan has criminals like Bracamontes, or that there’s really any connection at all between the two stories — other than the broad debate about border security and illegal immigration. Furthermore, Bracamontes is evidence of bipartisan immigration failure: he entered the country during the Clinton era, was deported in 1997, re-entered, and was deported under President Bush in 2001. He then re-entered the country and remained under both Bush and Obama, despite 10 misdemeanor violations between 2003 and 2009.

But if the left and the media SLOWED DOWN and THOUGHT FOR A MINUTE, they’d realize that Trump’s argument is the fact that we do not know WHO is in the migrant caravan. I’ve seen the left and media scream women and children, but videos I’ve watched mostly have adult men with a few women and children sprinkled about.

Granted, Trump went into full blown scare tactic mode and chose a man who committed one of the most heinous crimes. Robert Verbuggen at National Review wrote, “I wonder if part of the thinking behind the ad was to goad liberals into making racism allegations that the GOP base would find ridiculous.”

If you’re going to make an ad to target illegal immigration, why would he use a video of a white man? Of course he used a crime committed by an illegal Mexican to highlight his argument.

Tags: Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Immigration