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Seton Hall University Admin Caving to Student Occupiers

Seton Hall University Admin Caving to Student Occupiers

“The university is committed to an ongoing dialogue”

Students at this school have been protesting a lack of diversity and ended up occupying a campus space. Now the school is caving to them.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

10-Day Sit-In at Seton Hall

Friday marked the end of a 10-day sit-in at Seton Hall University. A group of students called the Concerned 44 had occupied Presidents Hall, where the university’s administrative offices are housed, and vowed to stay until university officials adequately respond to their demands to address what they considered institutional racism.

Mary Meehan, interim president at the university, sent a message to students, faculty and staff on Friday announcing the end of the sit-in.

“The university is committed to an ongoing dialogue,” the email read. “Going forward, university leadership will meet with representatives of Concerned 44 to clearly define the plan moving forward to create a more inclusive community at Seton Hall.”

Briana Peterson, a sophomore psychology major and one of the organizing members of the Concerned 44, said the sit-in was put on pause during negotiations between students and university officials but that the group will “continue demonstrations if need be.”

Tensions on the New Jersey campus continued to rise through the duration of the protest, leading to multiple additional protests, a series of meetings between students and administrators, a scuffle between a student and a professor, and the relocation of the president’s and provost’s offices.


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The Friendly Grizzly | November 8, 2018 at 6:24 pm

Shut off the utilities and wait them out. If they trash and/or soil the place, they get charged with vandalism, destruction of property, etc.

At this point, why have administrators? The students have taken over at every turn.
Heck- why have professors? The students seem to determine what they want to hear- or not.

The way to deal with these trespassing demonstrators is to photograph them and serve them the next day with notices that they will have disciplinary hearings the following day. Also notify their parents that if they don’t appear at the disciplinary hearings, they will be expelled and lose credit for any courses in progress (with no refund of tuition). Tell the parents that their little darlings will have a disciplinary expulsion on their permanent record.

Once they are expelled, they can be notified that they are trespassing and must leave immediately. Any who do not can be served by the police with criminal citations to appear in court. (Don’t arrest them, because that will cause the kind of ruckus that they want.) Past experience has shown that these occupations fall apart once the first two or three instigators are expelled.