Rider University Won’t Bring Chick-fil-A to Campus Despite Student Demands
“they sell chicken, so as far as I am concerned that should be the focus”

The school actually did a student survey asking which restaurant they want on campus but didn’t like the result.
Campus Reform reports:
EXCLUSIVE: Rider Univ refuses to bring Chick-Fil-A to campus, despite students’ demands
Rider University in New Jersey sent a survey to students during the spring semester, asking them which restaurants they would like to see the school bring on campus. But when it became clear that Chick-Fil-A was the students’ top choice, the college disregarded the results of the survey.
The school will not bring the popular fast food chain to campus because “their corporate values have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider,” according to a Nov. 1 email sent to Rider students and obtained by Campus Reform. The school went on to clarify that the decision was in an effort to “promote…inclusion for all people.”
Julia Pickett, a junior political science major and president of Rider’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter, reacted to the college’s decision in a statement to Campus Reform.
“I don’t think it is fair, however, because Rider is a private college, ultimately the decision is their own,” Pickett said.
With regard to whether Chick-Fil-A’s corporate values should have been the deciding factor, Pickett objected, telling Campus Reform, “they sell chicken, so as far as I am concerned that should be the focus.”
“If people didn’t want to buy their food then they don’t have to,” she added. “I think that the administration of Rider felt that having Chick-Fil-A on campus would cause unwanted controversy and felt that the easiest fix was to find another restaurant. I wish they would be honest about it though instead of trying to cover it as a deep offense to the school.”

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It’s cool. Chic-Fil-A announced this week it is doing delivery.