Ocasio-Cortez joins “climate change” protest outside of Pelosi’s office
The soon-to-be Congresswoman will be a chief contributor to Capitol Hill’s hot air emissions.

New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez certainly has started her time at Capitol Hill off with a bang, by joining a climate change protest held outside Nancy Pelosi’s office.
The self-described Democratic socialist, who’ll be entering Congress next year, joined environmental activists from the Sunrise Movement to demand legislation to achieve 100 percent renewable energy and a special committee in Congress to address climate change.
They later staged a sit-in, where some were arrested.Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t present for the arrests, which were planned as part of the protests, said Corbin Trent, her spokesman.
She also didn’t encounter Pelosi in her office.
“She was a movement candidate and she’ll be a movement representative,” Trent told The Post.
WATCH: Incoming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joins sit-in in Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office calling for efforts to combat ‘climate change’ – ABC pic.twitter.com/H5MZUuAmZa
— Breaking911 (@breaking9111) November 13, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez offered encouragement to the protesters, who do not seem to be big fans of Pelosi
“I just want to let you all know how proud I am of each and every single one of you for putting yourselves and your bodies and everything on the line to make sure that we save our planet, our generation and our future,” she said, before adding the need for renewable energy.
“We don’t have a choice,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez added. “We do not have a choice. We have to get to 100% renewable energy There is no other option.”
Ms Pelosi released a statement on Tuesday expressing her support for Sunrise’s dedication to environmental activism and in “reinstating the select committee to address the crisis.” But the activists said her words are not enough, suggesting she step down from Democratic leadership if she cannot commit to joining the Green New Deal platform.
Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez complained that she couldn’t afford an apartment in the expensive Washington, D.C. market.
“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress. So, how do I get an apartment? Those little things are very real,” New York Rep.-elect said https://t.co/JcsAAqXE9b
— Roll Call (@rollcall) November 13, 2018
However, a little investigation turned up a bank account that could accommodate reasonably priced accommodations for the young and highly entertaining politico.
Ocasio-Cortez left her day job as a waitress at a New York bar mid-February and reportedly began living off her savings and her partner’s income in a one-bedroom apartment with an estimated rent of around $1,850 a month, so she could focus on her campaign against Crowley.
She reported having between $15,001 and $50,000 in her checking account as of the end of April 2018, according to a Financial Disclosure Report she submitted to the clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The financial disclosure also reveals that she has an investment account valued between $1,001 and $15,000.
…Ocasio-Cortez has since backtracked from the thrust of the issue, tweeting that her apartment situation is being sorted out and she’s “working it out.”
Meanwhile, a new report from the Energy Information Agency shows that the United States has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 28% from 2005 levels.
U.S. electric power sector carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) have declined 28% since 2005 because of slower electricity demand growth and changes in the mix of fuels used to generate electricity. EIA has calculated that CO2 emissions from the electric power sector totaled 1,744 million metric tons (MMmt) in 2017, the lowest level since 1987.
In the United States, most of the changes in energy-related CO2 emissions have been in the power sector. Since 2005, as power sector CO2 emissions fell by 28%, CO2 emissions from all other energy sectors fell by only 5%. Slower electricity demand growth and changes in the electricity generation mix have played nearly equal roles in reducing U.S. power sector CO2 emissions.
In conclusion, the only real risk of global warming now is from the hot air emissions that have substantially increased from Congress, and it appears the soon-to-be Congresswoman will be a chief contributor.

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In further comments Ocasio-Cortez replied, “Totally, you know, absolutely, like, you know, Trump awful, so, like, this was totally awesome, socialism great, like absolutely if baristas hang together we’ll like totally win, and it’ll be great, and so will we.”
I say we support this bubble head for speaker, all Republicans should vote for her.
That sounds like she is channeling Caroline Kennedy.
She is the proto-typical “Julia” of the Democrat Party ads of the recent past. With such a frugal lifestyle she is the product of the investment of the benevolent Party. It is reassuring to see that she put her economics degree to good use as a waitress. Her storyline is imaginative.
She should have a recurring feature on all the good blogs. I mean, this is comedy gold.
Wowser. We’re all gonna need a LOT more popcorn in the coming year…
What kind of whiskey goes best with popcorn when it’s flavored with Tobasco (try it that way, it’s really good)?
Also, we need to start coming up with some Alexandria Occasional-Cortex drinking games.
They got what they wanted and now they can deal with her.
Climate Change alarmists are trying to claim that Climate Change is causing low sperm counts.
If you need proof that retarded people push it, that’s proof right there.
This nitwit lowered the I.Q. of the entire congress by getting elected. Granted it wasn’t a bastion of intellect before but this new flavor-of-the-month for the Dems will provide an endless supply of “How stupid are the Democrats” material.
“I just want to let you all know how proud I am of each and every single one of you for putting yourselves and your bodies and everything on the line to make sure that we save our planet, our generation and our future,” she said, before adding the need for renewable energy.”
With Veterans Day earlier this week, I am reminded of people who actually did put themselves and their bodies and everything on the line to save the planet, their generation and their future. And they weren’t wearing vagina hats and screaming at the sky about the bad Orange Man in front of a cable news video camera.
It’s Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. They want to abort the baby and keep her, too. They shouldn’t be allowed make up reality to suit their whims.
E=MC^2 Energy is renewable.
That said, drivers are renewable, the “green” technology is not, nor is it reliable or uniform, nor does it coexist with the environment.
“The soon-to-be Congresswoman will be a chief contributor to Capitol Hill’s hot air emissions.”
Great line!
Not even sworn in and involved in a protest outside the speaker’s office? Someone is going to get a talking to and/or get punished. Welcome to DC, twit.
This lunatic is the absolute PERFECT representative of Millenial Democrats.
Loud, aggressive, and unbelievably arrogant that they are going to fix the world, coupled with unbelievable stupidity and ignorance.
You do realize you also just described Barack “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal” Obama.
Already the “established” Democrats in the House are telling their Young Pioneers to step to the back and earn their place in the pecking order. To advance more expeditiously AOC may need to follow the example of Senator Harris of California.
I think this woman will, if nothing else, provide both entertainment, and more evidence that the 19th Amendment was a bad idea.
The intertubes took a vote and determined that her real name is Occasional-Cortex. Please act accordingly.
Via Dave Burge’s twitter feed:
“David Burge@iowahawkblog
24 hours ago
David Burge Retweeted ABC News
We’re going to have years of congresspeople staging sit-ins of each other’s offices with bullhorns, and it’s going to be glorious
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24 hours ago
out: The United States of America
in: The State University of America
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The Sergeant at Arms has issued a quorum call for a drum circle on the House floor”
AOC may turn out to be more of a pain in the backside to the Democrats than the Republicans Looking forward to seeing I-Lose-P, with contorted facial expressions and who knows what gaffes, as she attempts to rein-in this Dem-Gone-Wild!
Perhaps the voters sent OC to Washington as a joke?
“In conclusion, the only real risk of global warming now is from the hot air emissions that have substantially increased from Congress” We have a winner – a clear winner, and a winner of the double prize. The most inane comment of the week: gold medal. The most uninformed view of science: gold medal.
For her I think a “Participation Trophy” is more fitting than a Gold Medal, lol.
Airhead Cortez.
Welcome to the show. What a sad state of affairs. But, she may prove to be the GOP vote-machine Odumbo, Cynthia McKinney etc. proved to be.