OANN Brief: Acosta’s “repeated, unprofessional conduct … has hindered our free press from functioning effectively during White House briefings”

The Judge will rule today on the motion for a temporary restraining order filed by Jim Acosta and CNN.

While most of the media supports Acosta, One American News Network filed late on November 15, 2018, for permission to file an amicus brief (pdf.) (full embed at bottom of post) opposing the motion.

The brief argues that it is Acosta who poses a threat to the free functioning of the press at White House briefings:

One America News Network is passionate and adamantly supportive of an unfettered free press. This is a very simple issue. The repeated, unprofessional conduct by one specific reporter, namely CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent, Plaintiff Jim Acosta, has hindered our free press from functioning effectively during White House briefings. Mr. Acosta has a long history of interrupting White House briefings with his disruptive behavior. Plaintiff Acosta’s history of interruptions, unnecessary and excessive consumption of time with his grandstanding, and obstructive conduct toward his colleagues should have been addressed by CNN and the WHCA some time ago. When a reporter is hindering other White House Correspondents, his employer and the WHCA should take reasonable action to prevent such disruptive behavior. Mr. Acosta’s behavior in failing to yield to fellow journalists when asked by the President of the United States was no surprise to anyone. It was typical of a pattern of behavior exhibited by Plaintiff Acosta who seems to think his comments are more important than other journalists in the room. The video of Mr. Acosta’s unprofessional, aggressive behavior is clear, and the President’s words were right on point, Mr. Acosta was nothing short of “rude” and disrespectful. Plaintiff Acosta was rude to his fellow reporters, disrespectful to the President of the United States, and disruptive to our fundamental principle of a free functioning press. CNN has numerous professional and capable reporters. The actions taken by the White House are reasonable and justified to maintain an environment for press to function unhindered and reflect steps which should have been taken long ago by CNN.


Acosta v. Trump – Brief of One America News Network by Legal Insurrection on Scribd

Tags: 1st Amendment, CNN, Jim Acosta, Trump Press Relations