Filmmaker Ami Horowitz: The Caravan is ‘Highly Organized,’ ‘Paid for by a Number of Organizations’
“Approximately 90 to 95% of the migrants are male.”

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz traveled to Mexico and mingled inside the caravan headed to America. He revealed his findings to Tucker Carlson (emphasis mine):
“What we do know is this thing cost millions and millions of dollars. The mainstream media, and there are so many layers [of] onions to peel back, it’s hard to know where to begin. One of the lies the fake news if you will, media is trying to propagate is the fact that all this weird organic thing and all the water and the food and medicine, all dropped from … manna from heaven. It’s bologna. It’s all highly organized. It’s paid for by a number of organizations, we don’t know exactly where the money is coming from.”
The Daily Wire provided a transcript (emphasis mine):
“The caravan is a giant group of people that emanated, for the most part, in Honduras and are heading up to the U.S.,” Horowitz explains. “A lot has been said about this caravan, so I decided to go down, check it out for myself, and figure out what is the reality versus the fiction.”
Horowitz took his crew down to the base camp for the caravan in the southern state of Oaxaca, which he describes as “an area of Mexico which is riddled with narco-crime and cursed with extreme poverty.”
“Despite the framing of the caravan as being full of women and children, the reality on the ground is quite different. Approximately 90 to 95% of the migrants are male,” notes Horowitz, over footage of rows and rows of men.
“The major narrative being pushed by the press is that the migrants are leaving Honduras because they are escaping extreme violence and that their lives are under constant threat, setting up the strategy that they will be able to enter the U.S. by asking for asylum,” “he says. “So I started by asking them a simple question: Why are you coming to America?”
Horowitz asked numerous of the people this question. It seems like the majority of them have chosen America to find jobs, not to escape the violence in Honduras.
One male migrant told Horowitz “there are no jobs” in Honduras. Another said the people “are looking for a better life, because we don’t have jobs.”
One young male stated he wants to finish school in America.
The left has described the caravan as organic and spontaneous, but Horowitz thinks the exact opposite has happened (emphasis mine):
“There’s a massive logistical effort underway, akin to moving an army,” he explains, over footage of all of the manpower and resources required to keep the caravan operational. “And it’s clearly costing someone millions of dollars for transportation, food, water, medicine and services that are being provided for members of the caravan.”
“It’s a supply chain that’s being delivered by an army of trucks, which are all necessary to keep this enormous group moving forward,” he continues over video of trucks filled with supplies and transport vehicles crammed with migrant men.
Horowitz also noticed people from human rights groups within the caravan like Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders):
“They’re the ones that seem to be most involved in organizing and mobilizing this caravan,” says Horowitz. “The organization, as the name implies, is looking to create a world without borders, which seems to be one of the reasons why they organized this caravan in the first place, to flout American sovereignty.”
So why have the left, mainstream media, and Democrats ignored the realities of the situation? Horowitz told Carlson:
“You know the answer to that. They don’t want to get to the bottom of this. They have no interest politically in getting to the bottom of it. The same reason why, when you see a photo in The New York Times or The Washington Post or a video on CNN or the BBC or MSNBC. What do you see? The entire framing are women and children when the reality is so far from the truth, 90-95 percent of all the people in this caravan are men. Although I do apologize for assuming their gender,” Horowitz responded.

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Again, the GOP is caught reacting to events instead of creating them. The other team is playing aggressively.
Why aren’t we? Because we’re worried CNN will call us names? They will no matter what we do.
Because the GOPe doesn’t want the borders closed. That’s why they refuse to fund the wall. This is simply more failure theater on their part.
Ryan blocked the wall. There was never any desire from the Republicans, except for the Freedom Caucus to keep anyone out. How Ryan kept his position despite the fact he was retiring and kept blocking Trump shows that the Republican elites and democrat elites are in bed together.
Try this maybe
Guess each site is different as to how Twitter will post or not
I’ve been saying it for weeks, this isn’t rocket surgery.
Every single MSM outlet when they have a picture of a small group of people it’s ALWAYS women and children.
Every one of the pictures of the actual caravan at large or videos of them walking by? Over 90% male.
Maybe 75% of those males identify as women….you sexist..!!
Violence in Central America has actually been going down in the past few years. But the media won’t tell you that. Contradicts the “these are just poor migrants trying to escape violent gangs” meme.
In any event, there were hundreds of “migrants” from one of the caravans who climbed the border wall in California today, and illegally entered the U.S. (Photos currently on Drudge and other sites). The criminals who are aiding and abetting these deliberate violations of U.S. law by organizing and financing these “caravans” need to be arrested and prosecuted.
It shouldn’t matter whether it is up or down as long as it isn’t the government visiting inhumane and unlawful violence on the population. Until the last administration the law didn’t, and shouldn’t (and still doesn’t), provide for asylum being granted for high crime statistics at home.
This is an excellent video and it is important for everyone to understand that the current fight we are facing is globalism v/s nation states.
So I apologize for interrupting that important thought. But I believe Oaxaca is south of Mexico City. So I’m still wondering, as I did on the other thread, why only 350 out of the 14,000+ migrants made it to Tijuana. Good Lord, probably 1000 migrants arrive in Tijuana on a NORMAL day to cross in that city alone.
I haven’t seen any pictures of the marching hordes since the election, (not saying there aren’t any, but I haven’t seen any).
An article in USA Today date Nov 10 said that the organizers promised the 5000 camped in Mexico city buses, but that the buses failed to arrive, leaving these people to suddenly fend on their own. They tried to get them UN buses, but failed. The story pretty much died after that until we get to these measly 350 migrants showing up in Tijuana.
I’m not saying we should let migrants in. I”m just wondering WHY the press is ignoring what happened to the disappearing hordes. I suspect it is because of how massively cruel it is to bring them to Mexico City and dump them there – if in fact that is what happened. Okay, I’ve said it, so I’ll let it go to allow the bigger point of globalism to be made. But for the record, I’m still curious what happened to the 5000+ people left in Mexico City and why there are no pictures of the hordes after that time.
I thought that some of the migrants had split off, getting on buses that were, according to the report, taking them home to Honduras, boosting the idea that the Mexican government was successfully killing the caravan with kindness.
Come to think of it, I think they numbered around 350 in that report. Maybe the buses simply took a detour to the American border.
seems possible. I just don’t see anything, anywhere that indicates that, other than these 350 migrants, conveniently waving a Honduran flag for a ready and waiting camera (to make sure we know that these are THE caravan migrants) and a the report of the 85 LBGT who split off from the group and found beds in a high income neighborhood in Tijuana…
I’ve seen no pictures and read no reports of what happened to the 5000 camped in Mexico City after their buses failed to show following the election. Nor have I seen any more pictures of marching thousands since that time. I just find it curious.
Some getting on trucks to get to the border ahead of the main group is exactly what FNC was reporting, with video of a truck or two passing stacked with males in an open stake-side type bed.
I can’t say the group video of people walking (most all males, even the obvious youth – who may have only been local kids sightseeing and not part of the “caravan”) was current video or stock footage, but it was shown during reporting on the continued movement toward the US. I don’t know what “Elle” uses which isn’t reporting on the “caravan”, but there is still actual reporting, greatly reduced during the major event of the mid-terms, but it’s picking up again as the vote reporting settles down.
Sorry, that is “elle”, not “Elle”. I don’t know why anyone would find it curious* that the mid-term elections in the US would take precedence in reporting over migrants (walking and 1000 miles away from the border) intent on becoming either (failed?) asylum applicants or illegal aliens if at all possible.
* Other than Socialist-Democrats and the MSM (I know, repetition) telling people it is all a big scam and disappeared with the election. They argue “See only the mid-terms are being reported, not the caravan.” as if that wasn’t exactly what would happen under any other circumstance. The elections and the CA disaster would always take up maximum air time and print.
I already pointed out that the group in the video is south of Mexico City. 5000 people in Mexico City waited for buses that never showed according to USA Today on Nov 10. Show me one, just ONE convincing picture of this military style movement moving forward.
Your being rude doesn’t change the fact that I am asking a legitimate question as to what happened to the hordes.
Yeah, I didn’t think you could. If I understand you correctly, it’s not that people don’t care that Jim Acosta is fighting a lawsuit to speak truth to power for the desperate immigrants, nor do they care about the military type movement of anywhere from 5000-14000 military age men marching toward our border, but rather it is that they only want news of the fires and Florida. Huh. CNN online top headlines right now: Teresa May and teen e-cigarette use is up. Priorities, I guess.
Where are these people? Apparently those worried about them marching into our homeland and those virtue signaling about how much they care about them just don’t give a sh**
Breitbart reported yesterday afternoon with links to more recent footage of some buses escorted by Mexican police. And they note around 800+ migrants from the caravan have arrived at border this week. Also footage from who knows when.
NYT buries the story I’ve been asking about – that the organizers lured thousands with promises of safe transportation to America, but left thousands in Mexico City…tough luck, impoverished suckers.
“Another 2,400 migrants associated with two other separate caravans were in Mexico City on Wednesday, according to Nashieli Ramírez, the president of the city’s human rights commission. That group was staying in a vast temporary shelter set up in a sports stadium”
Soooo, I was right, thank you …. they left 2400 people stranded in Mexico City.
they touch it in another paragraph:
“In southern Mexico, the caravan, which included mostly young men but also many families with young children, began to show its fatigue. Some members fell behind to convalesce, remain in Mexico or RETURN HOME.”
But…asylum!.. they can’t return home! I guess Mexico is full of jobs and homes for those left behind so we need not care about these tired and poor useful idiots.
“The caravan’s leaders have been trying to hold the group together in the belief that there is safety in numbers and that a larger group sends a louder message about the plight of migrants and the poverty and violence many say they are fleeing.”
Oh…I could fisk this all day long. But I’m talking to myself.
Finally! Ann Coulter calls attention to this human trafficking disguised as a humanitarian effort.
And about those 2400 women and children left behind at the stadium in Mexico City… well, I’m sure they will be just fine. NOT.
Things are looking brighter every day for Democrats.
Did we run out of flamethrowers?
Whoops, that made me giggle…
It is time to equip drones with napalm.
Do you smell that? Do you smell that. That’s napalm son, nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
LRADS would be a much more humane deterrent.
Finally! Ann Coulter calls attention to this human trafficking disguised as a humanitarian effort.
Still no news about the 2400 poor and tired (mostly) women and children left behind at the stadium in Mexico City. I’m sure they will be just fine thanks to Jim Acosta’s speaking truth to power. Not.