Eastern Michigan University Ends ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Since ‘Not All Women Have Vaginas’

EVERYTHING IS OFFENSIVE! That’s how it is nowadays.

Eastern Michigan University’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC) has decided to stop hosting The Vagina Monologues because it excludes some women…like females that don’t have vaginas. Since copyright laws won’t allow them to change the dialogue, the school has chosen to get rid of it.

How do I science?

From MLive.com:

“We feel that making this decision is in line with the WRC mission of recognizing and celebrating the diverse representations of women on campus along with the overall mission of the Department of Diversity and Community Involvement, in which the WRC is housed, of supporting and empowering minoritized students and challenging systems and structures that perpetuate inequities,” the email from the WRC said. “We truly believe that it is important to center our minoritized students and this decision is in line with this mission driven value.”The survey was launched as a result of conversations with current students, as well as feedback from a WRC workshop titled “Not all women have vaginas,” during the 2017-18 academic year.

Not all women have vaginas? When will people learn that breasts and vaginas don’t make you a female. Your CHROMOSOMES make you female.

They’re ending The Vagina Monologues because it doesn’t include men.

Somehow, a play that addresses the stigma surrounding female anatomy is offensive to those who do not have female anatomy.

The email asked if the play is “still relevant to next generation feminists” and if “we still need” the play. WRC’s email also suggested changing The Vagina Monologues or have “a series of workshops that address the diversity and inclusion it is lacking.”

Look, I don’t care how you identify. I call Bruce Jenner Caitlyn and I use she when talking about her, but she is still biologically a male.

Do what you want, but you do not have the same body parts or chromosomes as someone born as a female. You cannot update or change a play about the female anatomy to include those who do not have it just because they FEEL like a female. Even with surgery and hormones, it doesn’t change your chromosomes. You can add breasts and chop off your penis, but you’re still biologically a male. You still don’t go through a menstrual cycle. You still cannot have children.

No matter what, you cannot get on the same level as a biological female.

ALSO, because the left seems to have forgotten this, every single person is different. Even us biological females do not go through a menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or body development as another one does. Kemberlee and I may have female chromosomes, but our bodies react to our biological functions in different ways.

Biology is hard.

Tags: College Insurrection, Gender, Michigan