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Branco Cartoon – Yes They Can

Branco Cartoon – Yes They Can

Unless stopped

For more A.F.Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here.

Branco’s Book “Make America Laugh Again” ORDER >  HERE


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The hands holding the child as a human shield are subtle. Great job.

Spot on.

Build the wall. Higher.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Observer. | November 29, 2018 at 11:52 am

    Drone swarms, 80% surveillance, 20% antipersonnel. Antipersonnel drones should bore to center, and then ignite a thermite charge. Perhaps that would deter others.

    Maybe we could have hunter drones running down the rest of the 20-30 million illegals?

      TheAmazingAnarchist in reply to JusticeDelivered. | November 30, 2018 at 4:20 pm

      “Let’s murder brown people in horrific ways!”

      The current state of US right-wingers everyone. I’m going to laugh and laugh when the material conditions eventually come for your kind

        You are the only one mentioning race.

        Our borders need to be secure and our laws followed for admittance. No exceptions.

        You are the only one mentioning race.

        Our borders need to be secure and our laws followed for admittance. No exceptions.

        Murdering illegals is not necessary for that to happen.

          TheAmazingAnarchist in reply to Y2K. | December 10, 2018 at 4:38 am

          >You are the only one mentioning race

          Oh yes, if you strategically ignore reality and the fucking cartoon, you dingus

          >Our borders need to be secure and our laws followed for admittance. No exceptions

          Fuck your laws

Build the wall. Then electrify the Mexico side of that wall.

The master plan for Dems is one party rule….forever. Limbaugh has said that you need a USA with some wealth for Dems to steal from. This open borders drive and amnesty only needs enough to safely assure perpetual one party rule. At that point the battle is within the Party as to national versus international/globalist agenda. Hopefully it isn’t lost in these fools that the path to full socialism is a one way slide as evtry failure in past required outside intervention to save populace……witness Maduro and company.

So someday there will be closed borders but too late.

Start trucking in raw sewage and disperse it generously.

Yet zero outrage for the governments of the hell holes these people came from. They just want to paint the US as the bad guy here.

When the house next door is a drug infested crime pit, do you feed and cloth their kids because the neighbor won’t into perpetuity? No- you get an authority to crack skulls.

Subotai Bahadur | November 29, 2018 at 10:39 pm

Two Words: ARC LIGHT.
Repeat prn

Subotai Bahadur