Arizona: Latest Ballot Counts Show Sinema With Slim Lead Over McSally

The latest ballot counts show Democrat Rep. Sinema pulling ahead of Rep. McSally by about 2,000 votes.

ABC 15 Arizona has more:

PHOENIX – Latest polling numbers released from the Secretary of State’s office shows Kyrsten Sinema has taken a slight lead over Martha McSally in the race for Arizona Senate.As of 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sinema has 916,458 votes statewide, while McSally has 914,481.345,000 votes remain uncounted in Maricopa County while a small number of ballots remain uncounted as well in smaller counties.Officials estimate about 195,000 of those are early ballots, provisional, and out-of-precinct ballots that voters cast or dropped off on Election Day….As preliminary results started to come in Tuesday evening, the two appeared to be in a dead heat with both flip-flopping for the lead. Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes expects ballot counting to continue for several days. Officials will continue to update the results daily at 5 p.m.

Tags: Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema