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University’s Anti-Bullying Conference Focuses Primarily on Microaggressions

University’s Anti-Bullying Conference Focuses Primarily on Microaggressions

“Microaggressions are the most common form of bullying”

If the worst thing you have to worry about is microaggressions, you’re better off than most people.

The College Fix reports:

Campus administrators trained to halt ‘microassaults, microinsults and microinvalidations’

The University of Buffalo’s Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention held its annual conference on Tuesday, and it focused primarily on the role of microaggressions in the classroom.

Yolanda Flores Niemann, a professor of psychology at the University of North Texas and a former dean, gave the keynote address that lasted three hours with a 15-minute break in the middle.

The address, titled “The Everyday Bullying of Microaggressions: Recognizing and Intervening,” intended to give the audience — mostly campus administrators from K-12 schools as well as colleges — the ability to learn to recognize microaggressions, understand how they constitute part of bullying, understand their psychological consequences, and respond to them.

Microaggressions are the most common form of bullying, Niemann said.

“Students that sit right next to each other can have different realities,” she said.

She said everyone experiences microaggressions, and that even white people can experience microaggressions from assumptions that all white people are racist, for example.


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What a load of malarkey!