Kanye to Trump: MAGA Hat is ‘Like a Superman Cape’

Rapper Kanye West met with President Donald Trump for the signing of the Music Modernization Act. Afterwards, West lavished praise onto the president. From Fox News:

West began the meeting by praising Trump’s efforts in North Korea saying, “On day one you solved one of [Obama’s] biggest troubles. We solved one of the biggest problems.”The conversation turned to West expressing the lack of support he received from his Hollywood cohorts with regard to his support of the president.”They tried to scare me to not wear this hat,” West said, referring to the “Make America Great Again” hat that he wore to the meeting. He said the hat given to him by the president was like “a Superman cape.”West went on to discuss his recent bipolar disorder diagnosis saying that he was misdiagnosed by a doctor that said he was merely sleep-deprived. The rapper’s statement lasted nearly 10 minutes before the president chimed in to compliment West on his honesty.”I tell you what that was pretty impressive,” Trump said. “That was quite something.””It was from the soul. I just channeled it,” West responded. ​​​​​​Trump continued to compliment the rapper, who talked about spreading love through the country.“He can speak for me any time he wants, he’s a smart cookie,” Trump said. “He gets it.”When asked if West’s previous declarations that he’ll run for president seem reasonable to Trump, he noted that he thinks Kanye, “could very well be” candidate material.“Only after 2024,” West said.

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Tags: Culture, Donald Trump, Hollywood