Boston College Students Hold ‘Die-In’ to Protest ‘Various Forms of Oppression’
“as well as BC’s “culture [of] institutional passivity”

Even when there’s nothing specific to protest, some students can still find a way to make it happen.
The College Fix reports:
Boston College students hold ‘die-in’ because ‘oppression’ and ‘institutional passivity’
These days, you can actually witness students complain about being “oppressed” — so much so that they’ll pretend to be dead — at a posh private institution whose total cost of attendance tops $70,000 per year.
Last week at Boston College, a group dubbed the Black Eagles organized a “die-in” to protest the “various forms of oppression” at the school, as well as BC’s “culture [of] institutional passivity.”
“[T]his culture continues to ripple into both student and faculty experience,” a Black Eagles flyer reads.
According to The Heights, a total of approximately 150 students — 100 lying on the ground with another 50 surrounding them — participated in the protest. Most had duct tape over their mouths to symbolize “the institutional silencing” that supposedly occurs at the school.
The Black Eagles also submitted a letter to college officials with its “recommendations” regarding the school’s “structural inequity.” For example, it criticizes BC’s “Diversity Edu” online module (required of all students) as “significantly lacking depth and fail[ing] to utilize intersectionality.”

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If they don’t like the “culture of institutional passivity, they need to find another college.
Reminds me of Scott Walker’s early years as Wisconsin governor where a group of idiot leftists staged a series of generic anti-Walker protests marching around in circles chanting “Peaceful protest! Peaceful protest! Peaceful protest!”
Too bad this was long before the NPC meme caught fire. “That’s GOLD, Jerry! GOLD!”
Just found the link that “peaceful” protest.
I hadn’t realized until now that Michelle Malkin added my comment to the body of her post.