Anthony Weiner Will Leave Federal Prison Sooner Than Expected
Stay away from the cellphones, Carlos Danger.

Disgraced former Democrat congressman Anthony Weiner will leave federal prison three months early. From Politico:
Former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who was sent to prison after admitting to sexting with a minor last year, will be released from federal detention early because of “good conduct,” a Bureau of Prisons spokesperson confirmed Tuesday.
Weiner was sentenced in 2017 to 21 months in prison for sending sexually explicit material to a teenage girl and was initially set to be released in August 2019, the New York Post reported. Currently held at the Federal Medical Center in Devens, Mass., Weiner is now set to be released three months early, on May 14, for being a model prisoner.
Before his sexual abuse scandal roiled New York and national politics, Weiner was a popular all-star Democrat, winning several terms in the U.S. House of Representatives by wide margins. But when Weiner was outed for sending an explicit image to an adult via his Twitter in 2011, the congressman resigned in shame.
Weiner announced a brief and unsuccessful 2013 bid for mayor of New York City, which came to a screeching halt when he was again revealed to be sending sexually explicit photographs under the pseudonym “Carlos Danger.”
In September 2016, The Daily Mail reported that Weiner had been sending sexually explicit messages to a teenage girl, prompting a criminal investigation and the seizing of Weiner’s laptop. Shortly after he pleaded guilty in May 2017, his wife, Huma Abedin, a longtime close aide to Hillary Clinton, sued for divorce.
Despite Weiner’s emotional pleas for probation, he was sentenced to federal prison, which does not allow parole. Federal prisoners can, however, get up to 54 days per year off of their sentences for good behavior

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Then he’ll be out in time to run on the “Weiner-Holder 2020” ticket.
I wonder how many other things aren’t “parole”, either.
I really hope both him and Subway Jared are getting their fair share of footlongs in prison for messing around with young girls.
Well bless his little head, the other one wasn’t worth anything, either. This is the kind of guy who needs ready access to sex robots.