Student Claims School Covering Up Prof Who Shot Himself to Protest Trump

Last week, a professor at the College of Southern Nevada shot himself in the arm to protest Trump. One student says the school has swept the entire incident under the rug because the prof is a leftist.

Campus Reform reports:

Student: School ‘covered up’ prof who shot himself to ‘protest’ TrumpA sociology professor who shot himself in the arm with a .22 pistol in a campus restroom to “protest” Trump remains employed, but students say the school has yet to address the incident with the student body.Authorities were called to the College of Southern Nevada on August 28, after several students and faculty saw Professor Emeritus Mark Bird stumbling out of the bathroom, bleeding. According to the police report, Bird said he shot himself in the arm in “protest of President Trump.”Bird, who has been working for the school since 1993, taped a $100 bill to the mirror before carrying out his protest. The bill was left as a tip “for the janitors” who were left to clean up the bloody mess.Remington Longley, a political science student, told Campus Reform that he was in the next building over from the shooting when the incident occurred.“The school completely covered it up,” Longley said, adding that the school “never released a statement.”“It was never addressed by any of my professors. It was completely swept under the rug as far as I’m concerned.”According to Longley, most students were under the impression that the professor had killed himself, only to find out 14 days later via a report by The Las Vegas Review-Journal, what had actually taken place. Without news coverage, he says, students would still be in the dark about the gunshot, crime scene, or police presence they witnessed.The school has made no public offer of counseling or support to students who witnessed their bloody professor stumbling out of a public restroom.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection, Trump Derangement Syndrome