Some Private Colleges Now ‘Price-Matching’ Public School Tuition to Attract Students
“attempting to keep pace”
Competition is a good thing. In this case however, it looks like a sign of the coming higher ed crash.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Private colleges ‘price match’ public tuition to compete for students
Colleges are now offering “price-matches” for students, taking cues from the business world to compete in an era of ballooning costs.
Several private universities, attempting to keep pace with the lower tuition of their in-state, public peers, promise to match tuition for students.
Oglethorpe University near Atlanta promises to match the tuition of any state’s major university for students with a GPA above 3.5 and a minimum 1250 SAT or 26 ACT score in an effort to bolster their top tier of students.
Robert Morris University in Pennsylvania notably offers a $3,000 scholarship on top of their price-match with the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State to entice students.
“The Public Price Match Plus is one more way that RMU demonstrates that it is big enough to matter, yet small enough to care,” RMU’s Vice President for enrollment Wendy Beckemeyer said to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
As private universities make these efforts, their public counterparts are responding with their own initiatives.
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