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Pro-Gun Activists Clash With Antifa During Event at Kent State

Pro-Gun Activists Clash With Antifa During Event at Kent State

“Kent State issued a campus alert advising the public to stay away from the area.”

Four arrests were made before the event was over. Trouble follows Antifa wherever they go. reports:

Crowds disperse as gun walk concludes at Kent State University

Gun rights advocate Kaitlin Bennett led a group of supporters on a sometimes tense open-carry walk across the Kent State University campus Saturday afternoon, with heavy security tamping down occasional confrontations.

Some heated exchanges had been expected with a crowd of counterdemonstrators, including anti-fascist protesters and some with faces covered in masks typically identified with the Anonymous movement, showing up for the event. Ahead of the walk, several other university functions planned for the cool but pleasant September weekend were called off.

Kent State was preparing to hold a news conference once all participants had cleared the area.

There were reportedly four arrests and no injures.

The walk began in a parking lot along Summit Street at about 2:35 p.m. and immediately became chaotic as counterprotesters who had gathered on Risman Plaza approached.

Police immediately moved to break up the groups near Bowman Hall and the Lefton Esplanade.

Kent State issued a campus alert advising the public to stay away from the area.

As of 3:40 p.m., the walk had ended with Bennett blaming counterdemonstrators for escalating the situation, according to a live video feed. Crowds began to disperse soon afterward.

It was not immediately clear how one person at the scene became injured. With the song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” streaming from a nearby dorm window, medics attended to a male with a cut on his head outside Olson Hall. The man had been seen among the masked protesters.


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Ok, I’m not sure you’re helping by holding a pro-gun demo at F’ing Kent State.

It’s where she went to school, IIRC. This is an essential natural and Constitutional and personal right. It should be exercised in public, and frequently.

“It was not immediately clear how one person at the scene became injured.”

If there is any justice in the world it was from a well deserved butt stroke.