Judge Rules State Must Pay for Gender Transition Surgery of U. Wisconsin Employees
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Judge Rules State Must Pay for Gender Transition Surgery of U. Wisconsin Employees

Judge Rules State Must Pay for Gender Transition Surgery of U. Wisconsin Employees

“no legally valid reason to exclude medically necessary care”

Why should the state (taxpayers) have to fund anyone’s elective surgery?

The College Fix reports:

Judge: State must pay for U. Wisconsin employees’ transgender transition surgeries

A federal judge has ordered the state of Wisconsin to pay costs associated with University of Wisconsin transgender employees’ transition surgeries.

According to a report in the Journal Sentinel, Judge William Conley ruled there was “no legally valid reason to exclude medically necessary care” from the employees, and added that some of the defendants’ arguments were “unhinged from reality.”

Plaintiffs Alina Boyden and Shannon Andrews sued last year after being denied surgery their doctors said was “a necessary part of the gender transitions.”

“I hope that this will be a powerful signal that trans people are not fair game for discrimination and that our lives and health are not a political football,” Andrews said in an ACLU of Wisconsin press release.

From the story:

The case had been heading for trial, but on Tuesday, Conley found the state’s policy violated Title VII, the Affordable Care Act and the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Now, the only trial will be over the damages the plaintiffs are entitled to, which is set for Oct. 9. Andrews has already had two surgeries, which she paid for, and seeks reimbursement of those costs. She and Boyden also seek damages for emotional distress.


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Appeal to higher court…has to be a legal defense against forced payment of elective surgery