Female Student Drops ‘Slut-Shaming’ Lawsuit Against U. Cincinnati
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Female Student Drops ‘Slut-Shaming’ Lawsuit Against U. Cincinnati

Female Student Drops ‘Slut-Shaming’ Lawsuit Against U. Cincinnati

“university hearing found that the female student was responsible for violating the UC Student Code of Conduct”

What essentially happened here, is that a female student is being held to the same standards as male students. That was a big problem for some reason.

Cincinnati.com reports:

Female student drops ‘slut-shaming’ lawsuit against University of Cincinnati

A lawsuit against the University of Cincinnati filed by a female student who was suspended over alleged sexual misconduct involving a male student has been dismissed.

The lawsuit, filed in May, was dismissed by the female student on Sept. 12. The student, identified as “Jane Roe,” sued the university, saying she was disciplined for “engaging in the same sexual freedoms that men on the campus enjoy.”

The student asked the court to stop UC from imposing disciplinary sanctions against her. That request was denied last month.

According to the lawsuit, the treatment and discipline imposed on the woman amounted to “slut-shaming.” It defines the term as “the act of criticizing a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity.”

A university hearing found that the female student was responsible for violating the UC Student Code of Conduct when she engaged in sexual activity with a student, known as John Doe, who was intoxicated and could not consent.

The lawsuit said both parties were intoxicated when they left a party together and walked to his home in fall 2017.


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No one should be happy about this. This is the same BS reasoning when the sexes are reversed.

If he can walk to his place with her in tow, then how is he too intoxicated to consent?

    Walker Evans in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 27, 2018 at 3:31 am

    “If he can walk to his place with her in tow…”

    Where did that come from? I see no such statement anywhere in the reporting on this incident. The fact that they walked to his place ‘together’ does not imply he was “towing” her; that he was so drunk that he could not successfully complete intercourse argues against this in fact.

Of course, she or her legal team do deserve mockery for the “slut shaming” attempt.