Dont kid yourself, Buraq, The Liar, Hussein Obama’s appearance last Thursday and Friday out of his self imposed exile in his Kalorama ‘Shadow Government’ compound was a de facto announcement that he intends to plunge the United States into a civil war in order to protect what is left of his legacy, unless President Donald J Trump should somehow choose to step down.
AFB, thanks for helping to keep us sane amid all the unhinging and derangement!
Think that deserves a certain Princess Bride reference.
Also I cast my vote for this being one of Mr. Branco’s scariest cartoons of all time! That’s a horrifying line up!
This one made me LOL. Thanks, Branco.
The rendition of Cory Booker is priceless! Thanks, Mr. Branco!
Dont kid yourself, Buraq, The Liar, Hussein Obama’s appearance last Thursday and Friday out of his self imposed exile in his Kalorama ‘Shadow Government’ compound was a de facto announcement that he intends to plunge the United States into a civil war in order to protect what is left of his legacy, unless President Donald J Trump should somehow choose to step down.
And that’s just in the last week! You’d need a full-page cartoon to capture all the crazy since 11/2016. I admire your restraint, AFB! 😉
Donations to place this as a full page ad in the failing New York Times? 🙂
What did ALBERT EINSTEIN say about doing the same thing an expecting different results? PROOF of insanity? Was that attributed to him?
Antonio, another great cartoon. Thanks.
First time I’ve seen you use photographs instead of caricatures.
LOL, the left must despise Antonio for making them look at their mirror. Another really great piece of art.