Safe Spaces for Men at Brown U. Help Them Unlearn ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Who goes to college to ‘unlearn’ things? It’s just more social justice garbage.

The College Fix reports:

Brown University provides ‘safe spaces’ … for menBrown University is working to help its male students “unlearn” and “unpack” their masculinity.A program at the Ivy League institution provides “safe spaces for men to unpack all of the things they have learned about masculinity and what it means to be a man,” according to its website.“Rigid definitions of masculinity are toxic to men’s health,” campus officials state online under the heading: “Unlearning Toxic Masculinity.”“Men will often resort to violence to resolve conflict because anger is the only emotion that they have been socialized to express,” the website states. “Unfortunately, the way that young men are conditioned to view sex and their need to be dominant and have power over others also contribute to instances of sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence on college campuses.”To help combat that, the program promises to provide “safe spaces for men” to facilitate conversations to combat so-called toxic masculinity.

Tags: Brown University, College Insurrection