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Researcher Position at U. Michigan Requires Commitment to Diversity

Researcher Position at U. Michigan Requires Commitment to Diversity

“commitment to increasing diversity, equity and/or inclusion in higher education”

This is eventually going to become a more important requirement than academic credentials.

The College Fix reports:

U. Michigan researcher position requires commitment to ‘diversity’ and ‘equity’

Are you interested in a position as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan? Well, you’re in luck!

The school’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) is offering a Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellowship to qualified applicants. However, just keep in kind one little tidbit about what “qualified” means to Michigan:

Along with your scholarship, you will be “evaluated on [your] contributions and commitment to increasing diversity, equity and/or inclusion in higher education” … which can be demonstrated “through research/scholarship, teaching/mentoring, and/or service/engagement.”

The LSA’s National Center for Institutional Diversity “encourages” applicants to address “some or all of the points” noted on this page regarding research proposals, personal commitments to diversity, and teaching statements.

With regards to the first item, in addition to one’s “scholarly achievements” the site states that “if applicable to your research,” an applicant may address the following:

* How the scholarship has the potential to serve the needs of groups that have been historically underserved by academic research.
* How the research/research interests focus on underserved populations and understanding issues of social inequalities.
* How the academic research brings to bear the critical perspectives that come from the scholarly understanding of the experiences of groups historically underrepresented in higher education or underserved by academic research generally.

Lastly, one of the ways in which applicants can demonstrate that all-important commitment to diversity can be via a “commitment to allyhood through learning about structural inequities demonstrated by, for example, extensive reading or focused coursework, or participation in professional development programs or institutional diversity/equity/inclusion initiatives.”


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Many (perhaps most) colleges and universities have rated applicants on “commitment to diversity” for many years.
That’s how they have excluded Republicans and other conservatives from their faculties and administrations.

If an applicant doesn’t show a strong “commitment to diversity,” meaning all the correct viewpoints on social and political issues, then his or her academic credentials are irrelevant. This job description simply states the truth, which is more commonly obscured by platitudes and euphemisms. We should thank them for being honest about their political litmus test.

It used to be continuing education, now it is continuing indoctrination.