Report Indicates Gender, Ethnic Studies Profs Make More Than Math and Science Peers

Thousands of students who graduate every spring with no job prospects are supporting this racket.

Campus Reform reports:

Gender, Ethnic Studies profs earn about $12k more than peersProfessors of subjects such as Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies are largely outearning those that teach more traditional subjects like math and science, according to a new analysis.A report released by The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) reveals that the average salary for professors of “Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies” during the 2017-2018 academic year was about $15,000 more per year more than for Biology, Math & Stats, and Science professors.According to the report, “Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies” professors earned an average of $105,656 last year, while professors of Physical Sciences earned only $90,422. Mathematics and Statistics professors made an average of $89,691, and Biology and biomedical professors earned just $88,792.Courses taught by professors of subjects like Cultural and Gender Studies include Social Justice Praxis at the University of California-San Diego, Queer Sexuality in Black Popular Culture at UC-Santa Cruz, and Transnational Feminism at UC-Berkeley.Professors of this type also make considerably more than traditional liberal arts professors, with English instructors earning just $85,423 on average, and those teaching “Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies, and Humanities” averaging only $91,883.In fact, professors in the fields of Cultural and Gender Studies make almost $12,000 more than the average professor, overall. The average salary for full professors across all disciplines was $93,830.

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