Online Petition Wants Betsy DeVos Replaced With LeBron James

Is that how we pick the education secretary, with a petition? Who knew?

The College Fix reports:

Petition urges Trump to replace Betsy DeVos with LeBron JamesAn online petition to replace Betsy DeVos* as head of the federal Department of Education is currently well within reach of its 40,000 signature goal.The person who should take DeVos’s place? NBA phenom LeBron James.The petition says James is a “highly respected and extremely influential community advocate and activist who recently opened a state-of-the-art public school for at-risk children,” while Secretary DeVos is “a scandal-ridden Republican donor who shows an inexcusable dislike for public education, wants to gut protections for women and minorities, and has advocated for teachers to be armed in schools.”Petition originator Rebecca Gerber told USA Today that she was “very excited by the overwhelmingly positive reception” to the petition, but wasn’t surprised as James is a “singular role model” and “a superstar activist.”In the petition Gerber writes that DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education “without ever setting foot in a public school.” There’s no proof of this; even the head of the Washington DC teachers’ union, who made the same claim early last year, qualified her statement with “according to what I’ve heard.” Not to mention, it’s difficult to imagine that, as big an advocate DeVos was (and is) for charter schools, that she never visited one. (And yes, charter schools are public schools.)

Tags: Betsy Devos, College Insurrection